Is it weird to have longs legs and a short torso?

I’m 5’7 and 110 pounds. I have really really long legs and I feel that it makes me look disproportioned. My legs (feet to hips) are 39 inches (3 feet 3 inches ) and my torso( hips to bottom of neck) is 17 inches. Is this weird, is there any way I get a longer torso or shorter legs or something? I wanna be a model but it looks to weird I think :'(

✅ Answers

  • Answerer 1

    You’ve just described a third of the women in the world.

    It’s not uncommon to have long legs and a short torso–that build runs in my family, actually. It’s not weird.

  • Answerer 2

    Most models have long legs and short torsos – that’s what makes a successful model. They need to have long legs. A model needs to have an inseam more than half of her total height -that’s the measurement from your inner crotch to the floor. So if your inseam is more than 1/2 of your total height, then you will have a short torso
    Look at any fashion magazine – most models have long legs and short torsos — that’s the ideal model body………

  • Answerer 3

    I’m a guy, and I’ve got the same thing. I’m 6’0 and my legs are half my body. It give you a big advantage if you are going to sprint 😉
    About being a model, I have no idea if you can be a model and have long legs. You’re perfect the way you are, and you will be happy with your super long legs when the zombie apocalypse comes 😉

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