Is Public Assistance in Calif being cut?

does anyone know? I worked all my life, lost my job, JUST asked for f.s. I was told NO, I can pay into the system for years, need help, I am told No….If you could see our neighborhood..FULL of kids that the parents only wanted because they can get more of our taxes, you would scream. I know these people, they haven’t looked for jobs for years, the state asks them where the father to the kids are, she states “I don’t know” he is usually living with her, the can afford to pay for cell phone, beer, buy cigarettes, but they don’t want to pay for the babies they make. I could not get a couple of months worth of f.s. so if the system runs dry…GOOD.

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • Food stamps are given to people of low income or no income so they go by your income,I do not know why they would turn you down unless you have above the income level.

    If you need help look for other sources try food banks in your area

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