Is religion still significant and relevant in today’s multicultural global society why or why not?

i need more solid explanations… put some thought in this please

That depends of the kind of relevance you’re seeking from religion. In one sense, it is probably more relevant now that ever. In a global society, alienation and isolation are frequent side effects. Having a local community centered around shared values, a place for structured social activities, fellowship, a social safety network, etc., is crucial. Of course, there are secular versions, like community service organizations such as the Kiwanis. But if you have a framework that provides you those externals, AND allows you to explore your spiritual connection to something larger than yourself in a way that is conducive to your sense of inner peace, the global society won’t seem so vastly overwhelming. The dangers, of course, are the divisive and exclusionary natures of some religions, the “mine is bigger, better and badder than yours” syndrome.

Religion is significant whether true or not. The fact that people are religious impacts the global society. The more global we become the more exposed we are to other beliefs. American anti-theists rail against Christianity because that is the dominant religion here. Imagine what would happen if they lived in an Islamic dominant society and women were required to wear hijabs.

Religion is significant because it helps form people’s value systems.

So the more global we become the more relevant different religious beliefs become and the more they impact the larger culture.

Probably as a hybrid of New Age but Christianity and Islam etc have no place in a cosmopolitan society

For many people (most of people i know… like the %?) it is still relevant. The other % dont care anymore about religion. The main reason is because of the % have reached good education levels, and for example, in my career I have learnt all the lies about established religions. We have found out that they are all inventions of human beings mixed with the faith of population. So it doesnt mean that they are a lie for who believes. But people who knows abot history of religions, or simply, about science and history, will find out instantly that its just a system to make people believe in something, and to be submitted, that means, to accept order established by a certain church. to do rituals that make people just fanatic. Most of people have never questioned their own religion, and they live happy believing in it. because they have not even spent time with someone who opens their eyes about it. It is like the mass of people just believes in what authorities tells them to believe in, and to do. and they do it, because masses do not put in doubt anything, they just follow the rest of the mass.

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I dont say that priests dont believe in their religions, and that monks also dont do. of course they believe, or i guess in general they believe, otherwise it would be like torture to work as that, even if they dont believed… so i guess they do have faith, and religious people also. so for them, it is relevant still nowadays. science hasnt reached most of population yet, and big part of the “truth” not either. most of people still believe with same faith as they could have had in middle ages… But the difference is that nowadays academics try to avoid religions (good academics…) cause they know that mystic stuff is not proved, so why believing in something that has been made out by someone who makes hero or god just a man? easy… to keep power over humanity… to control…

Since the ‘s I believe people have been becoming alot more spiritual and peaceful in America due to the way people have been mishandling religions. the more that we are able to communicate in the world…the less crazy people are going to start to become. It’s up to us to teach the children about our spititual exsistance to grow and to help others.

No, because we now have natural explanations for most basic phenomena.


Favorite Answer

  • That depends of the kind of relevance you’re seeking from religion. In one sense, it is probably more relevant now that ever. In a global society, alienation and isolation are frequent side effects. Having a local community centered around shared values, a place for structured social activities, fellowship, a social safety network, etc., is crucial. Of course, there are secular versions, like community service organizations such as the Kiwanis. But if you have a framework that provides you those externals, AND allows you to explore your spiritual connection to something larger than yourself in a way that is conducive to your sense of inner peace, the global society won’t seem so vastly overwhelming. The dangers, of course, are the divisive and exclusionary natures of some religions, the “mine is bigger, better and badder than yours” syndrome.

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  • Religion is significant whether true or not. The fact that people are religious impacts the global society. The more global we become the more exposed we are to other beliefs. American anti-theists rail against Christianity because that is the dominant religion here. Imagine what would happen if they lived in an Islamic dominant society and women were required to wear hijabs.

    Religion is significant because it helps form people’s value systems.

    So the more global we become the more relevant different religious beliefs become and the more they impact the larger culture.

  • Probably as a hybrid of New Age but Christianity and Islam etc have no place in a cosmopolitan society

  • For many people (most of people i know… like the %?) it is still relevant. The other % dont care anymore about religion. The main reason is because of the % have reached good education levels, and for example, in my career I have learnt all the lies about established religions. We have found out that they are all inventions of human beings mixed with the faith of population. So it doesnt mean that they are a lie for who believes. But people who knows abot history of religions, or simply, about science and history, will find out instantly that its just a system to make people believe in something, and to be submitted, that means, to accept order established by a certain church. to do rituals that make people just fanatic. Most of people have never questioned their own religion, and they live happy believing in it. because they have not even spent time with someone who opens their eyes about it. It is like the mass of people just believes in what authorities tells them to believe in, and to do. and they do it, because masses do not put in doubt anything, they just follow the rest of the mass.

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    I dont say that priests dont believe in their religions, and that monks also dont do. of course they believe, or i guess in general they believe, otherwise it would be like torture to work as that, even if they dont believed… so i guess they do have faith, and religious people also. so for them, it is relevant still nowadays. science hasnt reached most of population yet, and big part of the “truth” not either. most of people still believe with same faith as they could have had in middle ages… But the difference is that nowadays academics try to avoid religions (good academics…) cause they know that mystic stuff is not proved, so why believing in something that has been made out by someone who makes hero or god just a man? easy… to keep power over humanity… to control…

  • Since the ‘s I believe people have been becoming alot more spiritual and peaceful in America due to the way people have been mishandling religions. the more that we are able to communicate in the world…the less crazy people are going to start to become. It’s up to us to teach the children about our spititual exsistance to grow and to help others.

  • No, because we now have natural explanations for most basic phenomena.

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