Is the android mobile's radiation is harmful?

most of use mobiles. We place it in our pockets. May be in shirt pockets(where lies our hearts) and pant pockets(near reproductive organs)

Does the continuous radiation affects us?

Also many guys (myself too) stay connected on internet. Gaming facebooking or downloading something. My mobile gets alltime 3g frequency (which is radiation practically) but how it has the effects towards us. Btw sum mobile have frequency and radiation shields. How effective are they?

I think babies, kids and some cute birds like sparrows are more prone to the dangers of mobile radiation as their skulls are very soft

What do u think about this

Having his doubts as am using mobile more often nowadays ..


✅ Answers

? Favorite Answer

  • Yes, it is true

  • There are several kinds of “radiation”.

    Radio frequency radiation

    Ultraviolet radiation

    Infrared radiation

    thermal radiation

    cosmic radiation

    microwave radiation

    We are bombarded by these every single day. We even emit IR and thermal radiation.

    The kind of radiation that people think of when they hear “radiation” is ionizing radiation: alpha, beta, gamma.THIS is the harmful stuff. NOT the ones in the above list. This is what comes out of nuclear power plants and weapons. The types of radiation in the list above are only harmful in huge doses. But it is hard for us to receive a huge dose of those types.

    Cell phones DO NOT emit ionizing radiation. How would they? There is no radioactive source. Cell phones emit NO harmful radiation. The ONLY “radiation” that they emit is RF (radio freq) and microwave radiation. RF, by the way, is the same kind of radiation used by walkie talkies, wifi, and radios. And you will absorb more microwave radiation standing next to a microwave oven for a few min than you do talking on your cell phone for a year. You will also absorb more cosmic radiation (which is more harmful than both of these types) on a 2 hour airplane ride, than you would talking on your phone for a year.

    So all these frequency/radiation shields are a bunch of garbage. If they really worked, no RF radiation would be able to get through them, which would make your cell phone useless. There is NO harmful radiation emitted from a cell phone. ZERO.

  • Mobile phones use microwaves which are non-ionising and have less power than radiation from visible light. Microwaves heat up things with water in but using a mobile phone heats the brain less than some types of exercise. Really there is nothing to worry about

  • The anroid mobile’s radiation is harmful for health. It has the following effects:

    Radiation absorption

    Thermal effects

    Non-thermal effects

    Blood–brain barrier effects


    Cognitive effects

    Electromagnetic hypersensitivity

    Genotoxic effects

    Sleep and EEG effects

    Behavioural effects

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