Is there a material that is like play doh in texture but hardens into a suitable fix for drywall?

Looking for a material that is slightly moist and malleable but will harden into an effective patch job on a few holes in my drywall. If you know of any websites or places that sell this material please note that in the answer as well. Thanks in advance.

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  • The best, quickest, and hardest material you can use is Plaster Of Paris. Mix it to a thick, clay-like consistancy, putty-knife it on, smooth it with a wet putty knife, and it’s done. After it dries, you can sand it. It hardens in just a few minutes, so work fast.

    You can get it from any good hardware store.

    Have fun.


    Source(s): DoItYourSelfer + years.

  • Yes, it’s called drywall compound. The malleable “playdough” like compounds used for body filler on cars and the like, don’t adhere well to drywall, tend to slump and are a pain to sand. Why not just use what is designed to be used to patch the wall? If the holes are too large for a simple spackle jobs there are kits with fiberglass reinforcement patch tape that will bridge the gaps.

  • Why not just use spackle / polyfilla.

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