Is there a reason I'm this way?

More precisely, the reason I am asking this question is because my tutor told me that she doesn’t understand why parents has hired her because I did understand every class perfect.(This his her talking)

Alright I will give you my background. When I was a kid I was really energetic, I would always run around the house, climb on sofas and get hurt. I’ve bin told from a friend of mother that they taught(him and his wife)that I had autism. My parents never gave in.

First grade is when I started becoming lazy, all my energy faded away and I barely worked in class. In second grade is when I started the basic of math and French.(I am Canadian).I struggled with French but with math it was really easy. It went like this till grade 6 where I started middle school. Here all my grades went flying trough the roof with no effort except fore French.

Now grade 9 came. I fore some reason noticed that the higher where my grades the more pressure my dad would give me so I decided to always make my average between 70 and 80.Since then in every course its bin the same.

It all changed this year during my 10th grade out of no where I failed a math test with a 42 and aced my French with 96.A tutor was then hired but quickly noticed that I dint need any help?I still past both cours with a average between 80 and 70.

I’ve pointed out what seemed imported in these last paragraph.

Also if you are wondering where I got all this information I remember all my childhood since I was 2 but I do not have a photographic memory.

I also got the comment from every teacher that I could do way better but the teaching itself is so boring and the way they explain could be simplified to be way easier to understand.

One last thing its kinda out of the blues but is it normal that I can think clearer with a hat on?

1 Answer

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  • You’re not autistic, you’re just not interested.

    I have been declared as an above college level student and I’m in 10th. I had F’s because I was sick of doing work that I didn’t care about. At the time, I thought the work did nothing positive for me so I didn’t do it. In a way I was thinking efficiently because using energy on something that gets you nowhere is a waste. In other words, think of a scenario where you are told that if you run really fast for 6 miles, you’ll get a cookie. But if you walk for 6 miles, you get the same cookie. So which are you gonna do? I know that seems irrelevant but trust me it isn’t.

    So think of yourself as a lazy genius. I know it sounds bad but I accepted it. It’s not a good title to have but hey, it’s me.

    But still do the work. Because an idiot with a degree is A LOT more successful than a genius who dropped out.

    And also it’s just an OCD thing with the hat. I think that if I play guitar with the guitar on my right knee instead of my left I play better. I don’t but it doesn’t stop me.

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