Is there a way to download OS X Mountain Lion in gradual stages?

I just purchased OS X Mountain Lion and my internet connection is slow and occasionally times out. Is there any way I can download the software over a period of days? For example a specific download manager that will save the download as it goes, and resume the download when it’s convenient for me. There is no way I could download the software in one go because my computer would have to be running for well over 24hours and there is no chance that the connection wouldn’t be momentarily disrupted in that time. I live in a remote area and I’m using the best internet service available to my location.

1 Answer

? Favorite Answer

  • Just call Apple at 1-8-myapple.

    They will ship you Mountain Lion on a DVD.

    And, it should take less than a week.

    TIP: Stop using Safari, and try Mozilla Firefox, it has a resume-able Download Manager, and it’s free from:


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