Is there a way to grow an albino plant so it doesn't starve to death?

Obviously it can’t photosynthesize because it doesn’t have any pigments such as chlorophyll. So if it can’t make glucose, it will die…

I’m wondering if there’s any particular way to provide these plants with enough glucose to sustain their metabolisms…possibly put sugar-water in the soil? Just a thought, that’s probably not going to work at all.

Don’t tell me to google it, I tried that, and got nothing except other people asking the same question as I am asking right now.

So, is there actually a way to grow an albino plant so it doesn’t starve to death?

Anything on the topic of albino plants is greatly appreciated, as well.

Thanks in advance for all your answers. 🙂


I typed “healthy albino plant” into google images. I think it’s an oxymoron, because all that came up are a bunch of albino hamsters and the like.


Update 2:

I thought of it when I was studying for my biology exam. I was studying the photosynthesis unit when I thought it might be cool to try. Thanks. 🙂


✅ Answers

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  • Sorry, I have no idea :[

    I’ll star you though, so any contacts who do know will answer it 😀

    btw, did u think of that yourself?

    It makes a lot of sense o.o

  • Well, its very simple. A radioactive isotope virus cause chloryphitus vampirus, bleaching the plant of its chlorphyll. The genetically modified macrophage injects a specific gene that causes the plant to THIRST FOR HUMAN BLOOD. Instead of using photosynthetic energy to drive metabolic processes, the plant feasts on human plasma, which is rich in energy and nutrients. Its a complex process that scientists are still trying to perfect. I LOVE TWILIGHT!!

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