Is there such thing as the "end of the universe"?


Using the theory of a constantly expanding universe from the big bang, how can the universe grow into an area where there was previously nothing. Surely there is no such thing as nothing.


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  • No one knows if there is an end of the universe. Remember the “Big Bang Theory” is, of course, just a theory. However, I think the universe may be growing into something, just like diffusion. The universe is growing into a space that no human mind is or will be able to comprehend until we create technology great enough to get out of our galaxy, out of our universe, and into something more. Something so far, far away that we most likely will not have enough technology to get to in our lifetimes or in many generations to come. It will probably take hundreds of years for humans to travel to another galaxy and back safely, but probably thousand to millions of years, if the human race still exists, for us to get farther – into something more, the land beyond.

  • Using the theory of a constantly expanding universe from the big bang… If the entire population of China would line up single file and walk past YOU, the line will NEVER end because of the REPRODUCTION! Meaning by the time half have passed, there kids will be ten years old and walking well!

    So too with the universe, its very hard to think of the end of the universe because of the sheer magnitude and speed of expansion.

    Since the world, our solar system, galaxy and universe is FINITE; there must be a point where beyond it there is ‘nothing’.

    Now… IF the universe would be INFINITE, the there would be no such thing as two different ‘somthings’ in the world like bananas, people or frogs… since two INFINATE things cannot co exist since there is a law from Euclid that if there would be two halves of a whole, that whole is not infinite.

    To put it simple… In our world we have numbers of things, there is nothing in the world that is innumerable, if you would see a line of dominos, you know there is an end to the line… so too with the universe, though it is moving, there is an end.

    The conclusion of the big bang in that it is expanding like an explosion is that one day the expansion process will slow down and then there will be what is today known as big crunch.

    So yes there is an end to the universe, geographicly and in the timeframe.

    I am Jewish and the theory of the big bang being part of our beleif has lesson. The fact there is something out there which ‘nothin’ shows that our brain is like our eyes, like our eyes cannot see 360 degrees degrees, so too our scope of our interligence is not 360 degrees. BUT just like our eyes can see 3D, so too our brains can define 3D and UNDERSTAND there is a limit to our scope, so that we dont thinkg we know everything an GD is above us.

    Hope you understood.


  • There was a show on the TV that said the Universe has enough energy to expand for another 2 trillion years. The estimated age of the universe is about 14.7 billion years.

    If there is an end, then we do not have the technology sufficient to discover it, or we need about 2 trillion years to find out! Our sun Sol will become a Red Giant in about 4 million years, so we will need to be somewhere else to see it!

    There is however an end to our galaxy. Our position is roughly 2/3 – 3/4 on one of the spiral arms toward the outside (away from the center).

    Every 26 million years or so, the sun passess through the “plane” of the galaxy and encounters much more space “debris” increasing the likelyhood of a collision with another object. Since the sun drags the earth and the entire solar system with it around the center of the galaxy, the earth also experiences this increased probability of a collision. However the moon acts a small shield and helps protect the earth.

    Note: one Star Trek TNG episode had the traveller who took the Enterprise to the edge of the universe where thought and reality became one!

  • The ultimate fate of our universe is a topic in physical cosmology. Rival scientific theories predict whether the universe will be of finite or infinite duration. Once it was accepted that the universe had a beginning a finite time ago, the ultimate fate of the universe becomes a valid cosmological question, one depending upon the universe’s average density of matter and rate of expansion.

    Emerging scientific basis

    The theoretical scientific exploration of the ultimate fate of the universe became possible with Albert Einstein’s 1915 theory of general relativity. General relativity can be employed to describe the universe on the largest possible scale. There are many possible solutions to the equations of general relativity, and each solution implies a possible ultimate fate of the universe. Alexander Friedmann proposed one such solution in 1921. This solution implies that the universe has been expanding from an initial singularity; this is, essentially, the Big Bang.


  • no. And there was no beginning. Science, much like religion is something we made up to busy ourselves while waiting for death. Science clearly beats religion in terms of logic and consistency, but frankly Sudoku beats them both.

    Ask yourself if there is a year (365 days) or a month, a week, a day, an hour, a minute or 30 seconds. Stop and think for 30 seconds about “30 seconds” and what that means and what “time” means.

    Don’t just read this, stop now and spend the 30 seconds, it’s important, try to explain to yourself during this time what “30 seconds” really refers to, what does it mean?.

    It’s not the same is it? Time doesnt make sense like that and if 30 seconds can’t make sense why does a year, or 50 years.

    We created all languages, all identifications, all beginnings and all ends, they are only our fantasy and they all end instantly and simultaneously at the very moment we end.

    The universe does not end, it never began, the universe is 30 seconds.

  • According to the Bible, the world will come to an end..doesn’t say a specific time but there are several signs mentioned in the Bible that are happening now that confirms that the end is near. My opinion of the “big band” is that it’s not true and doesn’t make sense, how can such a thing form trees, waters, animals and so forth. My point is the end will come sooner or later, so live your life to the fullest!

    Source(s): The Bible

  • Why can’t there be a nothing?

    Anyway, within the confines of time, space is finite. We just haven’t measured it yet, especially not using our current time measurements, which are, incorrect.

    Space is constantly moving, fluctuating, warping in around and upon itself, expanding, shrinking. Space and the universe is a dynamic, not a static.

    Somewhere I learned that space could be viewed as a sphere that is constantly bubbling. Therefore with this theory, there would be no end or beginning. It’s all arbitrary.

    Remember that everything is in theory. And that it’s good to have curious people like you in our world who press for possibly unanswerable questions. Maybe one day we will have an answer to that question, and all the mysteries of the universe will be figgured out. But for now, isn’t it just fun to speculate?

    Source(s): my vast knowledge of everything.

  • May I suggest some light reading? A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson? It will have answers to your question, and it is a FUN read.

    To answer your question, scientists now theorize that there is an end to the universe. The Hubble telescope has found dark matter beyond the most remote regions of space. It seems to be the outer shell of the big bang. Would love to help you further, but I’m at work.

  • Maybe there isn’t because in the future the world might be going or maybe there is.” We can’t tell if there is or not and also we have to find the answer on our own and there has to be a time machine to make us find out on our own or maybe we can use time esculators to find out with other people and we can choose who we want to go with us to the future and if the universe is at an end there is such thing as what you’re asking and alao if the universe is going and not ending at all maybe you’re wrong and we have to find out somehow.”

    Source(s): traveling through time

  • Heya..first of all, hold on to your seat, yes there is such as thing as nothing…sort of. It’s more like “emptiness”. Actually, there is more “emptiness” in the universe than matter or “stuff”. And even that stuff is made mostly of non-stuff…empty space. And as convolutedly simple as this sounds, it gets even weirder. The non-stuff is itself a measurable phenomenon that may be the basis for everything in the universe.

    As far as the “end” of the Universe goes, yes, it will end, sort of. First of all, the speck of matter that exists in this vast playground is thinning out and moving apart from itself and the emptiness seems to be taking over. We are becoming even more insignificant (or unique). But, as been shown by many brains over the last century or so, nothing in the universe is ever destroyed (or created)…it just changes from one form of energy into another. Eventually we will shift back into a state of pure emptiness, pure potential and the whole process will start again.

    I hope this helps….of course I could be full of hot air…sort of.

  • Suppose, you are a creature like an ideal worm, whose world is only twodimensional, meaning it can only go east-west or north-south, but not up-down.

    Now this worm is living and moving on the surface of a big baloon, which you and me blow air inside. The worm’s world is expanding as the surface of the baloon is growing as long as you and me blow air inside. The worm will not understand how this can happen, because his everyday world is only twodimensional. You and me understand this process, because we can see the third dimension, where the baloon is growing into when at the same time its surface’s distances are expanding and don’t have an end of expansion.

    Now let’s go to our universe: We see it expanding into 3 dimensions. This time WE are the worms, just lacking the 4th dimension, which GOD or whoever might see.

    (As far as I understood, mathematicians already think in multidimensional spaces; and also exist theories like the “Stringtheory” assuming, that our world is 10dimensional. So they seem to be able to understand, that our universe really can expand for ever. Just you and me have a hard time to follow their ideas!)

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