Is this theory about the UK's heritage true?

Vikings settled in England and many other European countries, however there is a diversity on how a celctic person (Irish, welsh and scottish) and a viking looks. Celtic/Irish people (supposedly Roman if i’m correctl), if oe hundred percent irish, is supposed to have dark hair and dark eyes. Whilst on the other hand, English people (or any other viking settled country) have light hair and light eyes.

If i’m wrong please correct me, as i’m not White however i am British.


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  • There were people in what is now the UK long before Vikings or Celts or Romans existed. In fact, there were people there while the British Isles were not islands at all but connected to the mainland of Europe during the last Ice Age. The natives of England, Scotland and Wales have all been inter-related with each other and with the European continent for thousands of years. Various invaders (Vikings) and conquerors (the Romans) and waves of migration (the Celts) have added their genes to the population in the past 2 or 3,000 years but “native” Britons are a pretty wide-ranging mix of DNA from various groups. There is no such thing as “pure” national origin for any human group.

  • Vikings, at most added about 20% to the English genepool, maybe a little more to Scotland’s (from ancient migrations from Scandinavia as well as later vikings) and only about 10% to Ireland’s.

    Romans in Britain were not all Italians as many think,they were a mix of different people from all over the Roman Empire–many were Spanish for instance, but there were North Africans, Eastern Europeans etc etc. Due to this mixture it is impossible to know how much dna theyt left, but probably nothing major,as they were only there 400 years (as opposed to thousands) and were there not as settlers but as administrators. The Romans did not settle Ireland or Scotland beyond Hadrian’s Wall, so definitely not Roman ancestry in those areas.

    Actually, the English are browner eyed than the Irish,but the Irish have darker hair (and even an unusually high proportion of black hair.) Western England is not very light haired at all either, especially the far west. I believe the total of blonde/fair hair in England is about 25%, not particularly high, and certainly nowhere near the level of Scandinavia or even Germany.

    Dna testing has shown that most people in the British Isles have some ancestry from the prehistoric groups who settled there, many of those coming from the Atlantic coast of Europe, from Spain upwards, starting in the mesolithic. This is particularly true in the ‘celtic’ areas but is also found in pockets throughout England, especially maternally. The Viking and Saxon influence iss only heaviest in ythe east/northeast and on Scottish isles.

  • Even by Roman times there was a mix of peoples in Ireland and Scotland, neither of which had much Roman admixture. Vikings by legend were blond or red-headed, but so are/were Scots and Irish, and all these groups had dark-haired members as well.

  • U won’t find much roman blood up here in Scotland, as they were scared of us scots. A few swings of their swords and the English were conquered. Easy. But us, different story. A famous roman philosopher once said. “Those scots are ******* hard cunts that take nae shite. They don’t give up their land easy unlike those English woman. Leave them be and maybe they will let us take over the rest of Europe and lets hope they don’t decide to take over Europe as we have no chance against those cunts”

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