Just out of curiosity, who is your favorite author?

Bq: Favorite novel or novels by your favorite author?

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? Favorite Answer

  • Chaim Potok is my favorite author.

    My Name if Asher Lev

    The Gift of Asher Lev

    (in that order)

    The Chosen

    The Promise

    (in that order)

    Davida’s Harp

    I am the Clay.

    Those are all great books and should be available at your library..

  • J.K Rowling

    Susanne Collins

    Becca Fitzpatrick

    Jenny Hann

    Some of my favorites 🙂

  • Charlotte Bronte.

  • Neal Shusterman

    Unwind and the Skinjacker series

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  • Kelly Armstrong.

  • “The Iron King” by Julie Kagawa

    “Hattie’s Big Sky” by Kirby Larkson

    “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte

  • Jane Austen. It fluctuated between Pride and Prejudice and Persuasion.

  • James Patterson, or Jk Rowling. The Cross series is amazing.

  • T.H. White for The Once and Future King.

  • Jk Rowling and Suzanne Collins.

    Answer mine?


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