Ladies? Who have had a c-section?

HI! I had a c-section 6 mo ago & it was because my baby was to big for my birth canal! sucked cuz i was puching & they had to a emergency c-section but it was all worth it after!

But i was just wondering what other reasons Ladies have C-sections?


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  • I have to have a c section this december because I broke my pelvis a couple of years ago and the doctor doesn’t want to risk having vaginal birth cause issues/re-brake my pelvis.


  • I went in Thursday morning at midnight and they induced me. After 12 hours of cervidel, I still was only dilated to 1 cm. So they gave me pitocin and let that work for about 6 hours. After those 6 hours I still was only 1 cm and my son was not coming down into the birth canal, so at 8 that night a c-section became necessary. I didn’t feel one way or the other towards it at that point, I just wanted him out. I didn’t have any complications and I am mostly healed for the most part by now.

    Source(s): mommy of a 3 week old10

  • I had two reasons for my first c-section. I was induced at 38 weeks because I had a DVT that was discovered earlier in the pregnancy. The induction wasn’t working (12 hours of hard labor and I never dilated at all) and I needed to get back on my blood thinners so they couldn’t really wait much longer. And likely the reason I didn’t dilate was my daughter had a large head (95 percentile). She had a little mark on the top of her head, likely where her head hit my pelvis.

    Then the second one was done because all the doctors in my area do not do VBAC. And my doctor said I was a poor candidate for it anyway.


  • I went in to be induced and couldn’t dilate past a 4 after being in labor for 20 hours so they had to do an emergency c-section.


  • I went into preterm labor at 32 weeks. It was progressing so fast and my son was breech. The dr had a hard time getting him out so he had to make a classical incision (vertical) on my uterus. Because of this I always have to get csections. I am having one in Dec/Jan!

  • I had three c-sections, one because my son had Spina Bifida, second because my daughter was 8 weeks early, and third because it couldn’t happen any other way because of the previous two.


  • My son’s heart beat dropped and they thought the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck. Luckily it wasn’t but he weighed over 9 pounds so I probably couldnt have delivered him anyways.


  • My labor wasn’t progressing at all — I stalled at 4 cms and my uterus was beginning to ‘cap’ (close up again). It was pretty apparent at that time that I wasn’t going to birth him vaginally.


  • Baby’s heart rate was dropping after each contraction.


  • My son was breech and wouldn’t turn. I was pissed that I had to have a C-Section, lol.


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