Laptop HDMI won’t work! Laptop apparently doesn’t support Monitors/TVs?!?

Ok, so I have a HP Pavilion g–bcl Notebook PC and I have been trying to connect it to my TV for sometime. The laptop has a HDMI out port for it and so does my TV. I connect both to each other and I have set my TV to recognize the right HDMI port. For some reason though my laptop doesn’t even detect the TV, but my TV recognized my laptop.

– Also wondering…does the longer the wire you have, the worse the connection for HDMI with a laptop and TV get?

Continuing on though, I have made my laptop “connect to projector” and did the “duplicate” and “extended” screens. I finally went into the Intel R Graphics Properties and scrolled down to the area where it says “Monitor/TV settings”. When I had clicked on it, it said that they were not supported and I was just baffled at that moment.

Please help me in figuring out this problem. It would be much appreciated.

Thank you.

? Favorite Answer

  • update your mainboard chipset

    and then your video drivers

    both are needed in that order, both have recent errors corrected

    relevant current hdmi cable specs are . and .a

    you really should have a . lead not a .


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