My best friend has replaced me?

My best friend, we’ve been close ever since we started High School. Now I feel i’ve been “replaced” by this girl, I’m friends with this girl – but I feel so left out.

I don’t want to come across as jealous, but this is what has happened…

We’re always in pairs for EVERYTHING at School, but that’s obviously changed…

We do the School’s Radio every single lunchtime, and now she’s asked if the girl she’s obsessed with if she could help too, and she even sits where I usually sit, so I just sat at the back – and my best friend didn’t even take notice of me.

She still talks to me, my best friend, but not in the way she would usually do.

And, to make things worse, in Drama, they’ve been put into parts where they’re always with each other, so now they’re always walking around talking about their parts with one another in Drama.

I don’t know what to do? This has only happened recently, I don’t know what I did wrong?


✅ Answers

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  • This once happened to me,i just let them go off and i ignored them ,after about 10min they came back saying”whats wrong,you didnt come with us”(they were running away from me),i said well i have better stuff to do then run off like 2yr olds,i ahd a right go at them and they havent done it since ,in fact ,im the gang leader!(but i don’t boss them around like they would have done to me)

    Source(s): Experianced

  • Believe me! You haven’t done anything wrong. A similar thing happened to me in high school. My BFF since the 2nd grade lived about 2 miles from me. We rode different busses to school but always met up once there. Then a new girl moved just down the street from my BFF and they began doing everything together. My BFF and I used to take turns staying overnight at either her home or mine every other weekend, but once the new girl showed up that all ended. I was lucky if she did anything with me anymore. She and the new girl went everywhere together including the weekends. It felt like someone had punched me in the stomach. She was like a fleshly sister to me but then she just quit calling me or getting together with me. I lost touch with my BFF until after we graduated from high school. She married soon after and I called her on the phone and asked her how married life was. We got together soon afterwards and although we don’t do everything together because we have grown up and have different things going on in our lives, we still consider each other BFF’s. She never sees the other friend anymore because she too got married and moved on. It’s all a part of growing up. People change and then sometimes return. My best to you!

  • You didn’t do anything wrong, your best friend has outgrown you and found someone new. I know it hurts like hell right now but you know what? it’s part of the rite of passage that most of us had gone through.

    Instead of moping and mourning for the lost friendship, open your eyes and look around you, I’m sure there are other opportunities waiting to be taken. Even if, say, currently there is no one you would like to be friends with, then turn inward to yourself and take stock of your current situation, set some new goals for yourself, things like improving your grades, getting into more AP classes, do some volunteer work, looking for colleges, etc.

  • Bring another friend into the mix so your not left out. That way there is 4 of you. Same thing happened to my best friend in high school. She is still your best friend but she is making more friends

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  • It’s part of growing up. Teenagers, like politicians, change their minds about people and friends more often than they change their underwear and sometimes there doesn’t seem to be any logical reason why. Continue to be there, do the radio job as best you can and don’t allow yourself to be bitter towards either of the two others.

  • There are some uncommon souls that have authentic valor and limitless braveness. those are the heroes in our collective human journey that inspire and nourish our own inner hero, the hero of our own fantasy that Joseph Campbell speaks of. with out them to seem on earth what’s potential interior us, the heroes will fail. This guy or woman you describe merits the honor and affection of each and every human. Your poem touched me deeply.

  • I’m sorry that this has happened. It sucks! If she keeps ignoring, then ignore her. She will soon figure out how much of a jerk she has been and hopefully come crawling back to you. Try not to crowd her. Hang out with your other friends. Or make new friends!

    Hope it works out for you! 🙂

    Source(s): I’ve had problems with friends before.

  • you could either fake to be interrested in their group,

    or you could just ditch her, and go on with your business.

    Or you could confront her and ask her to do things you two used to do together

    and if she doesnt respond with interested heart, then ask her if your friendship has changed and then just move on.

  • Meet up with your friend, tell her how you feel and she should be spending an equal amount of time with you as with her other friend if she truly cares.

  • never put all your egg in one basket. i.e. best friends. ignore her and she will come back soon enough. in the meantime, find a new friend.

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