My dog seems disoriented?

Yesterday I gave my dog worming tablets (Bob Martin) ,I haven’t used them before. This morning when I woke up he seemed unbalanced, and at times was seen to be holding his head to one side. He is still eating, drinking and playing as normal. However when he gets up from sleep etc hes seems more disorientated. He is 2 years old and is a schnauzer crossed with Yorkshire terrier.

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • It’s one week after you asked this question now (sorry, just noticed it). I try to avoid a snap “go to the vet” answer, but if you’ve waited this long and seen no improvement, it’s definitely time for a trip to the vet. A week ago I might’ve said wait and see for a couple of days, and make a call to the vet to check the seriousness of the symptoms.

    Hope all is well now.

  • Ear infection:
    There are some important nerves that come out of the ear canal hole in the skull. If there is an ear infection, it can get swollen and push on these nerves. One of these nerves is the vestibular nerve, which is needed for balance. In people, an inner ear infection can do the same thing and basically cause vertigo. Most likely, the ear with the problem is the ear on the side he is tilting his head toward. This is most likely the problem. The hard part though, is that it’s an inner ear infection, so just cleaning out his ears won’t really help. He’ll have to go to the vet and get meds to clear up the infection.

    veterinary medical student

  • Speak to your vet asap. Next time use only wormers dispensed by your vet. Any product sold over the counter is usually ineffectual and a waste of money.

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