my grandaughter sleeps with her mom & she is 4,,,the room is decorated to her liking , how do we get her to sl

her mom has trouble with listening to her cry and gives in to her, lets her make her own decisions, is this good, it is my daughterinlaw so makes it hard to talk to her


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  • Since the advice you want to give is to your daughter-in-law, I would suggest speaking to her through your son. Or you can encourage your granddaughter to be more independent and to be a big girl. Make a big deal of it to her when she does sleep in her bed. Be sure to tread lightly since no one wants their parenting to be criticized. Remind yourself that you love that family very much, but they are now their own. Whatever they decide to do in their house (or family if they lived with you) is their decision. Remind yourself that you are the grandmother that means that you should politely make your point once and leave it alone. Overstepping your boundaries can cause problems later on.

    I know you only want to help, and I hope what I’ve said helps you!

  • If you are concerned I would mention something in passing to your Son. You daughter in law may feel as if you are “butting in” if you talk directly to her. Although, I don’t know the type of relationship you two have. Unfortunately, you can not raise someone Else’s child, even if they are not doing a suitable job of it! lol I wish you the best, and hope that everything works out with your grand-baby.

  • well lets just say no it is not good the 4 year old is running the house hold talk to her let her know how you feel and when she comes home 13 and pregnant and the baby daddy is a druggy that is in jail just give her a hug and say ” I told you” i mean if she wants to let her daughter run her life then she is going to pay for it in the long run let her watch maury on the out of control teens and tell her that is waht her daughter is going to be like and where is the daddy? you said in law i know if i let my daughter tell me waht to do my hubsband would have not only my daughters butt but mine too he dont let her get away with anything even if i do if i say yes and he says no well then the answer is no so talk to your son and just give your concerns dont nag but do talk to them cuz it is only going to get worse good luck

    Source(s): mother of 3 girls 3, 2 , and 2 months

  • Stay out of it…it’s none of your business how she raises HER daughter.

    Source(s): 33 weeks + 5 days pregnant with #1

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