My Guinea pig is not eating or drinking?


My guinea pig has eaten very less leaves this morning and not eating any veggie. It’s approx now 10 hours.

But has eaten his poop (waste) 2-3 times from the morning.

I have given his fresh Cucumber, bottle goudy, carrot, tomato, but he is neglecting all those.

Is this normal?


Sorry typo is there… ;(..

bottle goudy = bottle gourd

Update 2:

This is my new pet, i bought last day.

And he is grinding his teeth a lot. I am sitting far from him, like 5 foot, and he is still grinding his teeth.


✅ Answers

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  • It sounds like he’s still adjusting. If he’s still pooping, then he must be eating something. If he was from a pet store it could be this is the first time he’s seen these veggies (or maybe any veggie). Pigs are naturally distrustful of new foods. They lack the ability to throw up, which means if they eat something that turns out to be poisonous then they’re just out of luck. To compensate, guinea pigs take a while to get used to new foods. In time you may see him nibble a little on the veggies and then ignore them. Pigs do this to test new foods (if he eats a tiny bit of something poisonous, it might give him an upset stomach but won’t kill him). You may have to give him the same thing several times until he accepts it. Keep working on this, it’s very important he eats veggies to get all the nutrients he needs to stay healthy.

    Bonding with a guinea pig takes time and a lot of patience. In some cases, a pig can take 6 months to settle into a new home. It’ll really help if you get him a same sex cage mate. Pigs are herd animals and feel safer in a group. A friend may even show him that veggies are ok to eat. Until then just take it slow. Let him get used to your voice. When he feels a little more comfortable and begins eating veggies, you can start giving them to him by hand. This will help him associate you with food and other positive things.

    Here is a good list of tips for bonding with your guinea pig:

    ETA: you may find some good contacts on this page:

    It looks like it’s still in the works but hopefully it can be a resource for pig owners in India.

    Source(s): Guinea pig owner (had one that also refused veggies at first).

  • pleas clean hgis cage evry 16 hours, he is just very shy to eat or drink in front of you so just leave the room alone and he will eat hope this helps 😀

    Source(s): normal knowledge

  • You sure hehhehe apa kabar

  • if you just got him he could be a bit shy

    wait a while and if it continues see a vet

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