My husband does not let our daughter watch her favorite show on TV. Do you think he is unfair with her?

My husband does not let our 9 year old daughter watch her favorite animated series, Kirby Right Back At Ya, because it is not child-friendly after his opinion.
My daughter is really frustrated and angry in him right now. My husband made his choice yesterday, and he is the head of the house.
I asked him why Kirby was not good for children, and he answered me that it was because one of the main characters, Escargon, was a hermaphrodite. I have never heard anything about Escargon being a hermaphrodite, and I don’t think he looks much like one. Here is a picture of him. Do you think he is a hermaphrodite?
We are Christian, and hermaphrodites are against God. My husband told me he didn’t want my daughter to learn about hermaphrodites yet.
Do you think he is unfair with her?

✅ Answers

  • Answerer 1

    Is Kirby Right Back At Ya actually a children’s show? With a rating of Y-7 or whatever? Because if it is, then I don’t see how it’s not child-friendly, seeing how it’s made for children, which means he is being unfair. And is the main character being introduced or display as a hermaphrodite, or did they say in the cartoon “Escargon is a girl and a boy”? Probably not, so how can he come to those conclusions? And you and your husband don’t make decisions together over the welfare of your child? You have no say in what she does? I don’t want to be rude, but that sounds kinda controlling. But to answer your question in case in got lost in my paragraph, yes he being unfair. If your daughter doesn’t even know what a hermaphrodite is, then I don’t think he has to worry about her learning about them. Again, please don’t take offense to my answer.

  • Answerer 2

    “He” looks more like a snail. Perhaps your husband just has a sick mind? (no offence)

  • Answerer 3

    Yes,he is being extremly unfair!Its a harmless show and who cares if people in real life or characters are gay,straight,hermaphrodite,black,purple or live in a pineapple under the sea!Kids just want their favorite tv show..

  • Answerer 4

    I would honour your husbands wishes. There are other show out there.

  • Answerer 5

    I’ve seen this question mannnny times, it’s just a snail!

  • Answerer 6

    personally I think he likes the power of control. Christian or not, hermaphrodite or not ITS ENTERTAINMENT. It keeps her out of you guys hair. Its a cartoon tell him to get over it. She probably not going to learn anything bad on that show if there is any which I doubt it. Besides there is A LOT worse out there. Tell him to stop trippin.

  • Answerer 7

    I’ve never heard of this show so I don’t know. But my husband and I years ago decided what our kids could and couldn’t watch. Then we nixed the cable – best choice ever. My kids can entertain themselves and have fun in other ways. The TV no longer rules their life and oddly enough – they have never complained (they are now 7 and 12).

    Easy solution – nix the cable. Problem solved, then NO ONE can watch TV and there will be no arguments.

  • Answerer 8

    LMFAO this has to be a joke. Funny one too.

  • Answerer 9

    Yea I personally think its unfair because if its not even clear that it is a hermaphrodite then how is the 9 year going to know that’s what it is? She’s not, and by the time she does figure out what a hermaphrodite means, she will probably be older and not interested in that show anymore. But for now she’s only 9 and at her age doesn’t know what that is, much less can spell it, nor does she care. I hope my imput helps some. 🙂

  • Answerer 10

    No, he’s doing what he thinks is right. I wish more parents would stand up to their kids. Thank God you have a husband who cares about your child, many don’t care what their kids do or watch on tv.

  • Answerer 11

    Um…sweetie, all snails are hermaphrodites. If they are “against God”, why would he have made them that way?

    I’m assuming this is a joke, but if not, then you badly need to learn some basic biology.

  • Answerer 12

    I don’t know about the snail thing…but it is you and your husband who decide what (or even if) your kid watches tv. And that’s how it should be. We choose not to own a tv. And since it was hard for us to find anything we agreed on for own kid to watch for science we had her start her own educational show: Orla’s Ark

    The funny thing is we have found the less tv we watch the more time we seem to have together as a family.


  • Answerer 13

    He is trying to be a good father, but he may be over exxagerating things a bit much. After all, its just a cartoon

  • Answerer 14

    Yes because if it’s a children show, their wouldn’t be any hermaphrodites so most likely, the character is not one. Also, age 9 is really not too young of an age to be learning about this stuff. It’s actually pretty good for her to learn about it now because regardless, if you don’t teach her, her friends will and to avoid getting false information about this and other subjects such as sex, you should teach her. Anyways, what is your opinion? Is he being unfair? I would say go with your opinion

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