My mothers dog does not stop barking when we tell her to when it comes to protecting my mom, help?

Basically what’s up in the question.

Our dog will not stop barking when it involves my mom.


She threw out her back a couple weeks ago and the ambulance/firemen had to come and get her on a stretcher. LONG STORY SHORT our dog was under the bed, the entire time the men were there. Which was probably 45 mins.

That’s not okay in my book. But there’s no way to stop her from getting under the bed in the first place and secondly you can’t reach under and get her, she’ll bite you. That’s how bad it is. And my mom still isn’t very firm with her. It’s like ‘yay. a for effort’ kind of firm.

Ugh. I don’t know what to do. We thought about blocking the underneath of their bed completely.

I want my mom to sit down and watch The Dog Whisperer videos (they helped tremendously when I was raising a pit puppy) and see what I’m talking about but she’s kinda in denial.

But it’s basically getting way outta hand. Right now she’s laying down, blaring headache and her neck/back twanged again, and the dogs under the bed yapping away.



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  • Your mother owns the dog and if she is not motivated to control it, there is not much you can do. I agree, watching the videos would probably help, but if she isn’t motivated to make changes, it’s a waste of your time. if your mom will allow it, blocking the way under her bed is wise. That way, if anyone comes for your mom, you can out the dog in another room. That is really important because in some instances, ambulance staff ma decline to enter the room if the dog is acting very aggressive.

    Good luck – it sounds like your mom’s attitude about the dog is as difficult to deal with as the dog’s problem behaviors and if she hasn’t listened to reason by now, she may dig in her heels over this.

    Source(s): 45 years of experience raising dogs; dog nutrition and health mentor

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