My new persian kitten dosenot poop or pee?

I just bought a new persian kitten he is about 6 weeks of age, He eats very less dry food only (only 6 or 7 biscuits in one meal), More he dosent have pooped or pee once, i have put it on litter box many times but he runs away and hide under my pillow. dont suggest me a vet as my budget is tight after buying this kitten and its things, any suggestions ??

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? Best Answer

  • Do What Evie said, You’ll have to hand-raise it or take it back.

    yes, if you couldn’t afford a vet you shouldn’t have bought it but-

    @ Adopt an adult shelter cat, I agree it’s terrible the breeder did this to them, but shouting at the adopter isn’t going to solve anything. You didn’t even include help or anything about how to help the *kitten* which is who’s own good your worried about. Why do people get so mad at someone who didn’t know? Just because people assume “cat” and doesn’t realize that Persians are different, doesn’t mean they deserve a lecture from someone they’ve never met.
    That goes for everyone else too who was rude and didn’t give a lick of help, just a lecture.
    Goodness it bothers me when people so that.
    – Chosen by Asker

  • Take a clean washcloth, and run it under some warm water. Squeeze out some of the water, leaving the washcloth damp and warm.
    Then start wiping the kitten’s anus and genitals; a circular direction is fine. Do it for about 30 seconds or so. The kitten should pee and poop directly into the washcloth, starting a few seconds after you start wiping.

    You need to do this, either right before or right after feeding the kitten. Right before feeding usually works better, in my experience. This MUST be done; the kitten cannot eliminate on its own, without the stimulation.
    Good luck!

  • So much wrong here.
    A kitten should not be separated at 6 weeks of age. Proper socialization takes 9 weeks with the mother.

    If you can’t afford a vet, you should not have purchased the cat.
    The cat is due for the next week , then again 4 weeks after that and then again in another 4 weeks. If you are in a rabies endemic area it will then require that vaccine too.
    The cat requires deworming now and again in 2 weeks.
    The cat requires microchipping.
    How about spaying/neutering.
    What about providing a good quality kitten food? Which by the way should be mostly wet food right now.

    The cat needs to see a vet.

    Reg’d Vet Tech

  • Geezus. You mean you just bought a BACKYARD BREEDER Persian if a Persian at all. Persian breeders NEVER let kittens go younger than TWELVE weeks old. What horrible breeder sold you one at HALF that age? Did you even get a pedigreed for this kitten? And was it tested for PKD? (Or should I say, do you even know what PKD is?) And how much did they rip you off?

    Persians are VERY slow to develop. This kitten should still be with its mother. If you can give it back to the horrible person that gave it to you, please do. Ugggg I wish people would do a bit of RESEARCH before buying from breeders like this!

  • If the kitten is very young the mother would lick them to teach them to go to the bathroom. So . . . Try using warm damp washcloth and very gently wiping the kittens privates. If that doesnt work go to your locat pet shop and ask if there is anything you can give the cat, to help him go. Just ask it doesnt hurt ad wont cost to ask!!!

  • ” dont suggest me a vet as my budget is tight after buying this kitten and its things “

    Take it back to the breeder if you can’t afford to care for it. You have no right to keep an animal if you can’t provide for its welfare.

  • It may be nervous in it’s new environment. If you haven’t noticed it going in the next 24 hours, get a wet cloth or something like that and rub it’s bottom. Mother cats lick the kitten’s bottom to stimulate it to go.

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