my platy won't mate why?

last time I had got 2 male and 1 female my 2 male died so I got 1 male platy this time and my male platy is smaller then my female platy and there different kind why won’t they mate?


idk what u saying


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  • Add more females and he should want to mate. Don’t forget you need at least 2 females for every 1 male if you want to breed platys. Good luck! 🙂

  • First suggestion, more females than males. At least a 2:1 ratio, female being the 2 and male being the 1, no matter what. Males can be territorial if there aren’t enough females to go around. Secondly, not all fish get along. I actually have reasons to suspect that my last living female swordtail is a lesbian due to the fact that she only lieks to be near female livebearers and has killed any male and egg layer that she’s been put in seclusion with. Had to put a couple of new tetras into the seperation bowl with her and the male swordtail I’ve been trying to get her to mate with so I could watch the new tetras for diseases before putting them in the main tank and she almost killed one of them. She’s already killed the first male swordtail I put her in with, than the male platy, and now she may have killed my last male swordtail. Yes, fish can have sexual orientations and have certain desires for their mates. Although colorings and such shouldn’t be much of an issue, especially with platys.

    There’s also the chance that, since the male is smaller, he might not be fully grown yet.

  • Probably because they’re a different kind. Get two females and one male at least, and it takes about a month for female platties to give birth, as they have livebirths. To get through that successfully, you’re going to need a plastic breeding suite. You’re very unlikely to get your fish to breed with a 2m1f ratio.

    Source(s): Fishkeeper for 5+ years

  • Its hard to breed fish in captivity.

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