My son is not eating very well, what do I do?

My son is 2 in a half, he is very picky on what he eats. My son goes through these stages where he will not eat very well and then eat everything he sees. Lately he is not wanting to eat he will ask for food and I will make it for him but he wont eat it, he will look at it take a couple of bites and then say hes done. He does drink a lot of milk and juices. Any suggestions will help thank you.


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  • Most children go through this, especially around 2 or 3. One day you will think they are going to get sick from how much they eat, and a few days later you think they are going to starve from lack of food! Just do your best to make sure that he eats vegetables and fruits, and some meat for protein, and he should be fine. Also, try not giving him anything to drink or any snacks to soon before a meal, as their little tummies can fill up fast! Most parents serve milk with the meal, and if you do this, that’s fine, but maybe try not giving it to him until he has eaten some of his food, otherwise the milk could make him feel full too early.

    Hope this helps =)

  • is your son big for his age? meaning, is he chunky with those cute rolls? is he underweight? you can’t always go by the “pie” charts drs. go by. alot of how a child grows is determined by parents and other family members. 2 yr. olds typically become picky eaters because they go through growth phases. as long as the foods you are offering him are healthy and nutritious don’t worry too much if he only eats a couple of bites or the whole thing. toddlers, like adults, are going to eat when they are mentioned that he drinks alot. how much is alot? keep a log of how many ounces he is drinking during the course of his waking hours. liquids are filling for a short time. milk is considered a food. my concern is, if his intake of liquids is excessive, yu may want to bring it to the attention of his dr. to rule out diabetes. but don’t worry about things that aren’t there. i’m sure it is just a simple matter of your son being a typical 2 yr. old. if this is your first child it is normal for you to be overly concerned. questions are gateways to knowledge. remember, there is not such thing as a stupid answer as long as you are learning something from it. make notes of your concerns so that you will be prepared when seeing his dr. they appreciate thourghness.good luck.

  • First of all get rid of the juices. They are empty calories that take up space from real food. Second of all I would start cooking “him” sized portions. If he’ll only eat a couple of bites, then only make a couple of bites. I would also try to introduce as many foods to him as you can…mostly what you eat. This will get him into the habit of at least trying something.

  • My little girl is 15 months. She used to eat anything & everything until she hit 1 year old! All of a sudden she totally changed. I was worried at first. Some days she’d eat lots and other days she’d eat hardly anything! Things she used to love she now hates!! After getting advice of loads of people they all told me it was quite normal. She’s just learning she can control what she eats and also if she’s not hungry she won’t eat. Children don’t know how to starve themselves so don’t worry, they’ll eat if hungry. Toddlers can change day to day what they eat. Also, does your child drink a lot? My little girl drank lots & lots which i discovered was filling her up and making her not hungry. Instead of leaving her drink in easy reach so she can help herself i only let her drink now after her meals. Never before and not all day long. If you child is drinking lots of milk too it will also fill them up – its classed as a snack so make sure they’ve not had anything to drink before meals. Hope this helps.

  • My daughter is the same way. I used to get worried but my mom would always say “she will eat whens he’s hungry” ALSO they go through growth spurts where they won’t be hungry for a few day and then eat like a pig. Don’t worry! But if he starts to lose weight then I’d be concerned. Cyproheptad is what my daughter takes. She started to lose a lot of weight and I took her to the Dr. and that’s what they gave her. It works GREAT. She eats a normal amount now.

  • Try to get him to drink more water. Children’s stomachs are very small; he could be filling up on milk and juice and that could be making him eat less. And start giving him a kids multivitamin. That will help make sure he gets the nutrients he needs.

    Source(s): Going through the same thing with my 3 y/o now.

  • My son went through that too – I think the biggest thing was that he really learned how to manipulate us – kids are SO good at that! He realized that he didn’t have to eat the yucky healthy stuff if he frustrated us enough, and that out of pity, we’d feed the poor kid what he wanted sooner or later. We just really had to learn that he didn’t have to eat on a schedule, but he did have to eat what we wanted him to. Don’t give in and give him snacks, even though that’s so easy. I would keep the food he didn’t eat (usually, just about his whole plate) in the fridge, and when he was hungry, I would heat it up for him. He would throw a fit and want his fruit snacks or goldfish or whatever, but we wouldn’t give in. Eventually, he realized he wasn’t going to win and that, dangit, he was hungry! So he would finally eat the good stuff, and after about a week of the fighting, he started eating the good food – even at MEALTIME! Like I said, the most important thing is to hold your ground. Adults eat when we’re head hungry or bored – kids eat when they’re actually hungry. They start to catch on to our ways – you just have to retrain them – and yourself – to eat the right thing at the right time. Hope that made sense, it’s getting kind of late! Haha.

  • I would give him small healthy snacks if he isn’t eating full meals. Try baby carrots, raisins, maybe a muffin, something like that. And maybe have him on vitamins, like a Flinstone vitamin each day. I remember I would only eat green vegetables as a toddler, so my mom had to put food coloring in my mashed potatoes so I would eat them. And my sister would eat ANYTHING as long as you said it was chicken. So we had “moo moo chicken,” “cluck cluck chicken,” and “oink oink chicken.” It was so funny one time when she asked the waitress one time what kind of chicken it was. =]

  • lots of small mini meals… maybe than you are not wasting.. anything he doesnt finish label and put in2 fridge for snack for after 🙂 dont forget the four food groups

  • sounds like a normal toddler, my 2 year old is exactly the same…

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