Need your opinion on this! Why did he say this to me?

why did he say this to me?

Why did he respond this way? I told him I was seeing someone else?

So I have this long distance fwb (friends with benefits), we’re not committed and agreed to tell each other if we were going to date or have sex with other people. I see him about 4 times a year, for long weekends of about 4-5 days each.

Anyway, I started to hang out with another guy and I decided to tell my fwb as per our agreement, and his response was “When were you ever planning on telling me this?”

Then he said, “Not like it matters anyway. Well, just have fun”

Why did he respond that way??


✅ Answers

  • well it seems like your “fwb” is starting to fall for you.

    the line “when were you planning on telling me this?” shows he is upset that you found someone else and showing how he is also upset you dont want to be with him.

    then the line “not like it matters anyway. well, just have fun.” shows he knows you didnt feel the way he did and is hurt that you dont want him.

    basically..he wants you and he feels like you just threw him away.

  • He seems jealous. That’s what you have to expect in a friends with benefits relationship. Maybe he wants something more.

  • obviously hes upset about losing his fwb, but then he tryed to pretend not to care when it was too early,

  • plain and simple…

    he likes you more than a FWB.

    he was really hurt knowing of that fact.

    he tried to brush it off and pretend it didn’t bother him.

    talk to him and ask him if he feels anything for you.

    if anything, don’t see him anymore.

  • maybe he loves you or he is jealous of the guy did you tell him about him maybe its like that.

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