Paying child support when custodial partent never has the child?

My husband pays an outragous amount for his daughter and has been for several years. The problem is that her mother rarely ever has her. His daughter is either with us every other weekend or with her ex husband on the other weekends and evenings during the week the babys mama is hoochin around doing god knows what. The daughter tells me that her mother is hardly ever around and she has to make her own dinners and she is only 11. She is left alone with her 13 year old brother and 9 yr old sister. All children are from different dads obviously they are just a check to her but is there anything we could do to get custody and stop paying this support? How can we prove that the mother is never home? we called child services and they checked the house but they call in advance before they go check the home…..bull… so of course it was cleaned up and fully stocked with food. any suggestions on what we could do in this situation? Thanks!!!


oh prim, you sad bitter old man… lol yes i will blast anyone for not takin care of their child… and he is my business cuz this is my husband and my step daughter and my husband works 2 jobs to get buy becuz he is a man and takes care of his business… so before you go bashing people open your eyes and comprehend what you are reading.


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  • Go to Dads House in Yahoo Groups. There’s a free manual there that will teach you all you need to know, and association with others involved in similar cases.


  • Is it the money that bothers you or is it the fact that this little girl is being neglected by her mother? You husband needs to petition the court for sole custody of her for her safety and her well being not to save money! I have been in the same situation for almost 6 years, My husband has 2 sons, and had joint custody. But the boys were always with us. About 5 years ago we went to court and tried getting the support canceled and primary custody of the boys. His oldest son was 14 at the time and the judge spoke to him behind closed doors, because the mothers said we were lying and that the kids weren’t with us hardly at all and even after talking to his son and we even had records from school about where the bus picked them up and the main number to call home was the judge sided with the mothers. And ordered things to stay the same even though at this point it had been months since they even seen the boys. A few months went by and we went back again!! And this time the judge listened and actually even gave my husband sole custody of his oldest son and stopped the support payments on both and his oldest son’s mother was ordered to pay us! It took a lot out of us but it was worth it in the end!! We didn’t do it to save money because it costs more to actually raise them than it does to send a check every week! The sad part is after all this went down the oldest’s mother wanted nothing to do with him and hasn’t since. If you are willing to fight for her and not just for the money but for the sake of your husband’s daughter do it!

  • Team up with the ex husband who needs to keep track of every time he has the girl and every time you have the girl. That is an easy way to show that she is not being a good mom. Why not just talk to the mother.. since she is never home anyways it sounds like she wouldn’t care if the daughter came to live with you.

  • If you haven’t figured it out yet,

    Men= Most thankles job in the universe.

    It is simple as that. The courts will never give him the child as his own.

    The only thing that men are seen as is ATMs.

    My advice, give the girl a camra, get some photo and video evidence of what she goes thru in a typical two weeks.

    Also to make it legal, have the daughter TELL her about the camera.

    Say it is a school project or something.

    Then take this to court.

    His chances of getting the child………………..


  • No matter where the kid is the dad still is responsible for her. If he has her 50% of the time, then the dad could go back to court and revise the child support order.

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