phuket, wow, people are still using this as the metal section?

you guys are persistent aren’t you?


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  • Makes you damned proud, doesn’t it?

    This is our section now. I mean, no one else was around, so we said “Phuket, we need a new metal section; R&P just isn’t cutting it.”

    In all seriousness, though, when the First Invasion occurred (lead by none other than myself), we conquered Dasara. But them some users didn’t like that it was a religious section we took (since it was “disrespectful”) and so we went to Downloading Widgets (lead by the mighty Leah). Finally, we settled in Phuket (yes, because it sounded cooler than “Downloading Widgets”).

    And we’re metalheads, so of course we’re persistent.


  • Well, of course. C’mon Lizard, join the party! It’s a metal phuket invasion!


  • Wow…I referenced Phuket in trying to get more people going between RHH and R&P, and I wondered if this was still up. Great job guys.


  • Yes. I shall now quote the mighty Manowar:

    ‘They can’t stop us

    Let ’em try

    For heavy metal

    We would die’

    I just saw a question on P&S asking which is the most pathetic section and Phuket was mentioned by some users. I think it is running pretty well for an unofficial section. If only more people would cooperate…


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  • I feel so out of place in R&P. I mean, here I am talking about Amon Amarth, then some guy comes and asks a question about Katy Perry… its water and oil, they just can’t mix.

    And it is the only section that has the best name when you say it aloud, and that is partly the reason why we’re here. We were tired of R&P, so we said “Phuket.” Now we’re here.


  • Maybe we could invade some sections for use as reggae/World, Electronic/Dance, and Avante-garde sections… i would enjoy an avente-garde section.

    Seriously, great job here people. Now, instead of Jonas people, all we need to deal with are posers, and most of them don’t seem to know this is here.


  • There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part; you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop. And you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all! and this is one ofthose times, this… a time to fight back.we’re human beings for heaven’s sake


  • But of course…you can drive us underground but we still lurk in the shadows, if we get banned from this section we shall just conquer another helpless section and make it our breeding ground. We just need more participation in this section because it’s been a little slow…I know there are more metalheads than this!


  • What’s your point? Wouldn’t you want our questions here then in rock and pop?

    Even though I ask some of my metal questions in R&P still.


  • I know hey? It’s pretty crazy , the power of loads of people.

    How did all this start, anyway..?

    did everyone just go ‘let’s invade phuket!! ‘

    lol, beats me. but it’s pretty cool, gotta admit.


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