Please help in biology!!!!!?

please help me match the defintions!!!:)

its answers out of !


site of protien synthesis

liquids with an attach phosphate group; plasma membrane are composed of

organelle and eukaryotic cells with a series of highly folded membranes surrounded in

clear, gelatinous fluid in cells that i the site of numerous chemical reactions, in

structural model of plasma membrane were molecules are free to move sideways.


selective permeability






endoplasmic reticulum

cell wall

fluid mosaic model


✅ Answers

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    site of protien synthesis= endoplasmic reticulum i think. Ribosomes perform synthesis of proteins but it occurs at the rough endoplasmic reticulum so id say that is the answer 🙂

    liquids with an attach phosphate group= phospholid

    plasma membrane are composed of organelle and eukaryotic cells with a series of highly folded membranes surrounded in clear, gelatinous fluid in cells that is the site of numerous chemical reactions= cytoplasm

    structural model of plasma membrane were molecules are free to move sideways.= fluid mosaic model

    But arent these only definitions?

  • organelle and eukaryotic cells with a series of highly folded membranes surrounded in = ENDOPLASLIC RETICULUM

    clear, gelatinous fluid in cells that i the site of numerous chemical reactions = CYTOPLASM

    structural model of plasma membrane were molecules are free to move sideways = FLUID MOSAIC MODEL

    liquids with an attach phosphate group; plasma membrane are composed of= PHOSPHOLIPID

    site of protien synthesis= RIBOSOME

    I am really sure on these answers

    Hope it helps

    Source(s): Taking Bio at the moment

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