Poll: Are all men really equal?

I have been doing research and it would appear that there really is a reason for many people in Africa having I.Q’s as low as 50.
The theory (or facts as it claims) is that those people have genuinely different brain chemistry to the average Westerner.
So it is because they have had so many years of suffering that they haven’t had a chance to develop… Or develop a sense of right or wrong (hence the brutal nature of the people).

On the other hand, many Asians tend to be very intelligent and are well above the average I.Q because they had to work a lot harder to get by.
That is why there are so many intelligent Asians. They have their ancestors to thank.

What is your opinion?

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • I think you are confusing intelligence and knowledge.

    A man in an African tribe may know clever ways to deal with wild animals,what is the probability that a man from the ‘civilized’ society could do the same?
    On that basis,can the man from the tribe consider the man from the ‘civilized’ society unintelligent?

    There were not many electronic devices 50 yrs ago,would you tell-
    The teenagers today are more ‘intelligent’ than the teenagers back then..
    The teenagers today are more ‘knowledgeable’ than the teenagers back then..

    If you are going to measure intelligence with ‘I.Q” tests.. you should also know that it is relative..
    It depends on many other factors.

  • Equal rights and opportunity

  • No not everybody is equal. However, you can still give everybody a chance.

  • everybody should be equal

  • your facts are wrong.humans don’t vary much. one individual is different to another but you cant pin it down to different cultures or races. “all men are equal” means that all men should be given the same chance and have the same value

  • You’re not really asking if all men are equal you’re asking if they have equal IQs. Obviously I haven’t seen the reseach as I would instantly want to check against cultural bias in any IQ test. Also those in the west may have had much more exposure to similar puzzles, via education, etc, and yes, this does enhance your ability to perform well in IQ tests. I would also want to see the bell curves produced by their data as usually with these things they aren’t far apart, ie it does not mean that all westerners will be more intelligent than all africans clearly in the same way that not all men are stronger than all women.

    That said, even if the research and conclusions were valid, this would not mean that westerners were better people. The most evill person can be intellectually gifted so of no use to society whatsoever. And, if the reason cited for any impairment is because of suffering, then the rest of us surely have a moral duty to address this.

    Don’t forget that nurture plays a large part in the attitudes to learning a person holds, perhaps with around 50% contribution. So if a family keeps stressing the requirement for their children to succeed professionally then those children are more likely to work hard, particularly if they are monitored well.

    Also, you mention right and wrong. Africans are not brutal by nature. Many have been brutalised by seeing what they have seen, having governments who mistreat them and from livng within a war torn society. What is right and wrong changes of time and in different circumstances. Personally there are many things in our privileged western society that I find immoral and where I cannot understand why people think their behaviour is okay. I feel we have too much of laissez-faire attitude here.

    But to sum up – people should have equal human rights, regardless of intelligence, as intelligence does not automatically make a person a valuable person.

  • The IQ test is western orientated. For example any American would know what their flag looks like, but why should a Sudanese

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