Pranks to play on nightmare flatmate?

My boyfriend and I have an awful flatmate who is totally inconsiderate and does things such as:
-Uses my shower gels/shampoos/washing powder
-Takes our milk (which he hasn’t bought or paid for) from the fridge and hides it in his room all day so we can’t have tea/coffee/cereals etc.
-Leaves the lights on in the house all day and night, raising the electricity bill
– Leaves the house in a state, including the spare room which we’re trying to rent out by leaving his clothes and make-up (yes, make-up)everywhere
-Pees all over the toilet seat and toilet floor, staining the bath mats (and doesn’t wipe the seat afterwards)
-Leaves used durexes in communal areas.

And we’re reaching the end of our tethers with him. I’ve tried talking to him nicely about it all and it falls on deaf ears and my boyfriend and I are not going to move out as it’s my parents’ property and my flatmate is just there to help pay the mortgage so we’re kinda stuck with him until we can get someone to move into our spare room!
I really want to do something that will frighten him off my bathroom stuff as it’s getting ridiculous now.
Anyone know any good pranks???
Open Question

  • hes a guy and he wears make up?

    call him an emo prick leech and tell him to **** off.

    or u can hide his make up.


  • Sling the color of the lipstick on his head while he’s sleeping. Lol vid link in the source to make the picture.


  • Fill shower bottle with food dye or clothes dye.

    Put durex in milky-slimy substance and stick it in his pocket.

    Then take out his lightbulbs, cover toilet seat with cellophane so that the piss gets on himself, drop his clothes on his piss.

    Find bugs at a pet feed store and put them in his room—because “messes and spoiled milk attract bugs”

    *I have a bad temper* lol, good luck , but I hope you get through to him

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