Question about waitressing wages and legal issues?

For 6+ months I have been working for a small pizza shop as a “waitress.” I get paid $4 an hr to “waitress”, however I spend 90% of the time being the cashier and taking phone calls, dealing with the deliveries, perparing food, and doing other non-waitressing activities.

I have always BARELY got by to “min-wage” because they never subtracted taxes from my tips… (I would add my paycheck and then my tips (no taxes subtracted) together and compare it to minwage paycheck with taxes subtracted).

Now they have started taking taxes out (which is perfectly fine with me, it is apart of my income after all), but I made $160 (even) in the two weeks, and they put me down at $192. So not only did they lie about my tips to make it seem legal, I was deducted even MORE money from something I did not even make. Is this legal? I heard they have to pay you the difference if you do not make minimum wage.

Thank you!

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • Yes, they need to pay you at least minimum wage. You could call your state’s department of labor about the situation.
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