Sea level rise- natural and cyclical change?

For school I have to write a persuasive essay that proves that sea level fluctuations are natural and cyclical changes. I am having trouble finding websites that have this point of view, though I found a nifty graph on wikipedia ( , Global Sea Level Fluctuations) showing how the sea level has fluctuated through millions of years. It would be helpful if somebody posted some information and sources supporting my topic.


Also- please do not answer and tell me that global warming is behind the whole thing, that is not what I am looking for, that is not my assignment.


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  • Have you read the book ‘State of Fear’ by Michael Crichton?. It has some interesting statements about sea level rising.

  • Abstract

    Significant short-term fluctuations are characteristic of geological history since Precambrian times. Only the younger Quaternary climatic fluctuations are known in more detail as a result of a high grade time resolution. Climatic change can also be postulated with respect to older, cold periods during which polar inland ice sheets developed. From a discussion of endogene and exogene interpretations it is shown that global climatic changes, and the sea-level changes induced by them, as well as changes in the position and extent of climatic zones throughout the world provide a control mechanism for sedimentation which is consistent with cyclic sedimentation in Late Palaeozoic times, and also if the basin subsides non-cyclically. The model allows an explanation of the development of the Permo-Carboniferous sedimentary cycles without numerous short-term vertical oscillations of the earth’s crust. In reality, exogene and endogene controls on sedimentation act together in great variety of combinations.

    Key words

    Cyclic sedimentation – Tectonic subsidence – Climatic fluctuations – Sea-level changes – Late Palaeozoic


  • Bear in mind through your research that we have been able to scientifically analyze our planet’s environmental cycles with any respectable detail for a very, very, very short period of time. Hence, reliable and conclusive scientific research will continue to be difficult to come by. You are smart to be wary of the “Global Warming” fanatics.

    However, don’t entirely discredit global warming as a factor affecting sea levels. Global warming IS happening and has happened many times before. Objectively analyze the data concerning global warming and how it may or may not be related to sea levels. Just continue to keep a clear head and understand that you don’t have to swallow the Chicken Little theories about evil humans causing it. You may find yourself discovering a whole new direction in your research.

    Wish I could help more. Good luck.

  • This possibility looms large upon the concerns of all credible

    authority, both in geo-physics and in meteorology. I personally don’t think a basis for analyzing this statistically

    exists, or if it does, has been brought into the process. Other

    factors possible to the cause of the recent seeming acceleration of warming in specific areas ( in no way is global

    warming evident throughout) are left out of the equation as well, like the examination of what effects H.A.A.R.P. adds to

    the mix. In short I am by no means happy with the approaches

    that global warming advocates have taken to press the issue.

    They behave as alarmists and that is a sign of hidden agenda

    and perhaps even, political agenda.

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  • Global Sea Level Fluctuations show how the sea level has fluctuated through millions of years. When will the Al Gores of the world stop trying to use this fact to enhance their own personal pocketbook. Gore has made a small fortune with his nonsense about global warming. Give us a break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Source(s): my vote

  • The climate change is both caused by natural and man-made phenomena. Natural- the earth’s orbit around the sun has moved a little bit about a few meters away from the original- this causes the extreme heat we suffer during summer and the extreme cold during winter. In fact there have been reports wherein snow fell on places it didn’t usually have. Another thing is the earth’s 23 degrees inclination was a bit altered by several minutes. These things are considered natural since no human activity would ever cause them. But there are also man-made phenomena that causes global warming: pollution, forest denudation, overpopulation, and the use of harmful gases like CFCs.

  • Look into the geology of the Rocky Mountains, you will find deposits containing shells. Look in the geographic record for limestone deposits, they can only be formed in underwater environments. Some deposits have been moved due to tectonic activity,as well as sea level changes. Both activities play a roll in changing the coast line and sea level. An interesting study would be to see how the depth of the oceans have changed. if the sea floor rose up due to volcanic or tectonic activity it would appear that the sea level has risen when in fact the volume of the basin has changed.

  • Tourist guide describing history of the City of Brugge, Belgium, said that the area was first populated about 20 years ago. Around 8 A.D. the people had to leave because the sea level rose and flooded the area. About 4 years later the sea water receded and people returned. This is one example. There should be many more.

    Good luck in your research.

  • Much of current sea level fluctuation can be related to isostatic rebound (northern areas) following the last glaciation. The land is still bouncing up after being weighed down by the ice. However, note that is the opposite of sea level rise! However, those kinds of continental rising/falling effects produce changing sea level without an increase in ocean volume (as is going on now). You should be able to find estimated sea levels in references related to glaciation (mostly).

    And, of course, rapidly increasing atmospheric greenhouse gasses and the current accelerated worldwide ice melting DO have an effect and it is measureable and still (thankfully) small.

  • if your teacher tells you that the raising of the oceans is a natural occurrence, then she is an idiot. It might well be, but the recent melting of the ice caps. which has been documented by many scientists, raise some more concern than the shifts that occur naturally ad over millions of years.

    The raising of the oceans that is happening now is not natural at all, and is due indeed to global warming, whether you and your teacher wants to hear about it or not.

    So to worry about, and focus on, the slow and naturally occuriring phenomenon of the natural raising of the oceans when we have a speeded-up raising, due to the melting of the polar caps, is like worrying about the sunshine in California when your house is on fire.

    Tell your teacher she (he) is an idiot and refuse to do that assignment she is just a blind reckless idiot who doesn’t see the light , whether because sheis ignorant or whether because she buys into the propaganda of the rich selfish imbecilles who continue to destroy this planet for their selfish intersts and to fatten their bank accounts, and don’t give a rat tail about the planet or the life their own grandchildren will have to live

    Source(s): look around , that is my source

  • The moon has a lot to do with the rising and lowering of the sea level. The tides are controlled by the phase of the moon .

    I really do not believe any of the global warming talk. Good luck with your project

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