Should I tell them or is it a bad idea?

All my family and friends are christians/catholic and they always pray and WASTE my sunday mornings. I never believed in god and I never will… Idon’tt WANT to believe in god no matter what anyone says. I wanted to practice witchcraft or be a Wiccan but what am supposeded to do with my cristian family and friends? what would they think of me?


I want to pick my own religion and not something i don`t believe in or even care about

Update 2:

ya i have to pray somthing that i dont want with them and i hate it. it gets annoying cuz i wana eat rite away when i get into my table instead of mumbling some dumb prayers


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  • Well you just need to sit them down and tell them honestly that you don’t like going to church with them cause you have different beliefs…. I had the same problem with my parents when i was growing up…and they never really wanted to listen to me. but one day i just told them straight that i don’t wanna be a part of their religious life, that i have my own beliefs and that i was not planning on changing my views for them or anybody… they were very upset at first, but as time went by they come to accept my decisions.

  • I’m Wiccan too and I will tell my parents I am when I’m 18 or 19. Yes, I know, I have to pretend to be someone I’m not for 5 or 6 years. Sucky. But you should sit down and talk to them about how you don’t like going to church, well, everyone already gave you an answer. I haven’t been in church for almost two months until last sunday. I missed Monk because of it -.- And now I have to go to a catholic festival tomorrow for Polish school… noooo, okay, I like Jesus but I don’t want to wake up real early in the morning and get back home at 3 pm >.<

  • Although you really shouldn’t have to answer to anyone, I think it depends on how old you are. If you are a minor living under your parents house rules, then there might be a struggle. You need to talk to your parents and tell them you are interested in NOT being Catholic. And that you are curious about exploring other spiritual pathways. I wouldn’t go into too much detail about the witchcraft or wicca because it might scare them into thinking you need to go to church more. And that isn’t what you want. I would just take it slow and don’t forget to keep an open mind because someday you might find yourself looking for christianity.

  • What you decide to do once you are grown up and out of the house is up to you. If you decide to go down the path of not believing in God then you should be prepared to face your family and be criticized. If you are going to church with them Sunday mornings maybe you can learn something from them and how the believe in what they believe. This could show you how you could believe in what you believe. Good luck

  • My parents are catholic. they sometimes go to church and i never go..

    because i have the same views on religion and they seem to understand that so im lucky to have parents like that

    i dont say anything about there religion and they dont bug me at all

    best thing to do is to tell them and to respect you for your own views either than that i dont know

    some people are really crazy over religion and when there sons or daughters say they dont believe in god they think we have the devil or something stupid like that

    but just talk to them and hopefully they understand either then that i have no other ideas…. or just going to have to wait till you move away or are 18

    Source(s): me

  • You should tell your friends and family. They may not agree with it, but you have every right to practice whatever religion you want. And they should respect your decision.

  • you need help. just wanted to say that. well go ahead and believe in w.e it is that you choose too its your choice. im not the holiest person out there but believing in something evil isnt gunna give you a happy ending to your little story called life. anyways im pretty sure your family and friends will reject this choice of yours. have fun doin your little witchcraft or w.e person..

  • It is best that you stick with your family and friends. Right now you see it as a waste of time, but one day it won’t be.

  • How does their praying waste your time, unless you’re praying with them? You have no obligation to do so.

  • tell them, if they are Christan’s then they will know even though you dont believe in god they have respect your wishes. even if they are mad tell them that if they were true believers they know that they have to love unconditionaly no matter what.

    Source(s): im a christain

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