`Should The Sky Have Fallen`. will you c.c a st Draft to help improve this poem please?



`Should The Sky Have Fallen.`Spontane.LapizD.Copyright.–.,U.K.


I read, recently that one here is afraid the sky has fallen!

It soared me up, on some surrealist thoughts;

The first was, `. how fine – at last, for though I`ve no recalling

It fled from me and leapt Up There when I was two – a Flight Unsought.

I thought that if it had not fled on high

It would be here, playing lovely misty-twisty games with kiddies,

Delighting them with stars to hold and drizzles to get excited, whizzling by

And shedding sun-specks on the babes to comfort them when loud they panic – cry.

Apollo One might be to have rides on – around the globe for the under-fives

With moon-walks, free to everyone, from tramps and Monarchs to purportedly old biddies.

Hans Solo for the over-fives, and Doctor Who for Bri-like scribes,

Planets`- Rings and Celestial things – with Ziggy Stardust and Elvis – jives.

Comets sailing slowed by gravity brightening schooldays despite comets` brevity;

Meteors welcomed, with Yoda and Obi to help them demonstrate their mysterious Siddhis!

Maybe (WOW) a manifestation of the perennial spiritof The cat of MecAvity;,

St, Nicholas not needing chimberley pots, appearing on windowsills causing great levity.

Oh caz, if the sky fell, there`s be Heaven On Earth –

Chicken – Licken cracking up , not nervous, No Fear to pity.

Now I`ve no notion what occurred when I was two to reckon this worth

If the Sky – Entire might – Tumble (imho) We might Save Our Hurt Earth!

There`d be aliens unseen with their benign intelligent vibe

Perhaps ALL of the planets to dance on – , Fiddle – de – Dee!

More space for the near-extinct species needing so to stay alive –

The moon and the Oceans rocking `n rolling!- Oh caz! Let it soon re-arrive!


Dedicated to caz..who re-ignited the idea….feel fee please to both c/c and add verses too.

there`s so much you imaginatives might let rip with (genre of all kinds!) LOL 🙂

✅ Answers

? Favorite Answer

  • Maybe sky was meant to fall.

    So hero could achieve his aim

    And chicken little was not to blame.

    It was sly dogs thirst for the blood of all.

  • You brought my dearest mentor eliot into this and that alone sold me, not to mention it was a journey of sorts to a better place, falling sky or no…

  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sky_Is_Falling_(f…

    Did you ever hear of Chicken Little, how she

    disturbed a whole neighborhood by her foolish


    Well, Chicken Little was running about in a

    gentleman’s garden, where she had no business to

    be. She ran under a rose-bush, and a leaf fell on her

    tail ; so she was dreadfully frightened, and ran away

    to Hen Pen.

    ” O Hen Pen,” said she, ” the sky is falling ! ”

    “Why, Chicken Little, how do you know it ? ”

    ” O, I heard it with my ears, I saw it with my eyes,

    and part of it fell on my tail.” ” Come, then,” says

    Hen Pen, ” let us run as fast as we can.”

    So they ran till they came to Duck Luck. ” O

    Duck Luck,” says Hen Pen, ” the sky is falling ! ”

    ” Why, how do you know it ? ” says Duck Luck.

    Chicken Little told me.” ” Chicken Little, how

    do you know it ? ” “I heard it with my ears, I

    saw it with my eyes, and part of it feD on my tail ”

    ” O, let us run ! ” says Duck Luck.

    And they went on till they came to Goose Loose.

    ” O Goose Loose ! ” says Duck Luck, ” the sky is

    falling.” ” Why, Duck Luck,” says Goose Loose,

    ” how do you know it ? ” Says Duck Luck, ” Hen

    Pen told me.” ” Hen Pen, how do you know it ? ”

    ” Chicken Little told me.” ” Chicken Little, how

    do you know it ? ” ” O, I heard it with my ears, I

    saw it with my eyes, and part of it fell on my tail ! ”

    u Run, run ! as fast as you can,” says Goose Loose*

    And away they went till they came to

    Turkey Lurkey. ” O Turkey Lurkey ! ” says

    Goose Loose, ” the sky is falling ! ” ” Why,” says

    Turkey Lurkey, ” Goose Loose, how do you know

    it ? ” Says Goose Loose, ” Duck Luck told me.”

    ” Duck Luck, how do you know it ? ” Says Duck

    Luck, ” Hen Pen told me.” ” Hen Pen, how do

    you know it ? ” Says Hen Pen, ” Chicken Little

    told me.” ” Chicken Little, how do you know it ? ”

    ” How can I help knowing it ? ” says Chicken Little

    “I heard it with my ears, I saw it with my eyes,

    and part of it fell on my tail ! ” ” O, come, let us

    run ! ” says Turkey Lurkey. And away they all

    went till they met with

    Fox Lox. ” O Fox Lox ! ” says Turkey Lurkey

    “the sky is falling!” “Who told you?”

    says Fox Lox. Says Turkey” Lurkey, “Goose

    Loose told me.” ” Goose Loose, who told you?”

    ” Duck Luck told me.” ” Duck Luck, who told

    you?” “Hen Pen told me.” “Hen Pen, who

    told you ? ” ” Chicken Little told me.” ” Chick-

    en Little, how do you know it ? ” ” O, I heard it

    with my ears, I saw it with my eyes, and part of it

    fell on my tail ! ” ” Make haste ! ” says Fox Lox,

    ” and all come into my den ”

    Fox Lox opened the door, and in went Turkey

    Lurkey. As she went in, Fox Lox bit off her

    head, threw it one way, and the body another.

    Then went in Goose Loose. Fox Lox cut off her

    head, and threw her in. Then came Duck Luck.

    Fox Lox did the same by her. Then came Hen

    Pen. Fox Lox bit off her head, and threw it one

    way, and the body the other. Then came Chicken

    Little. Fox Lox caught hold of her, and eat her

    all up, and then finished his supper with the rest,

    and all this from the foolish fright of Chicken Little.

    Of course this has no relation to your great post

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