Speed/Agility vs Strength/Durability in a fight?

Both fighters have equal stamina. Both same weight and height. One has 75% speed 75% agility but only has 25% strength and 25% durability. The other has 75% strength 75% durability but only has 25% speed and 25% agilty. Both fighters also have the same heart. Both fighters are trained and possess the same knowledge. The speed dude only hits the speed bag while the strength dude only hits the heavy bag. The speed dude runs along with bag training. The strength dude lifts along with bag training. Who would be victorious!


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  • its not a video game you dont get percentages in different areas, you cant even measure percentages. every thing you mentioned is complete bs when it comes down to it

    stop playing video games and train in a real martial arts, life is not a game.

    Source(s): 30+yrs ma

  • Assuming they are equals on every level except speed and durability. The faster guy wins. It doesn’t matter how tough you are if you can’t hit your opponent. Since the more durable guy is slower. All the faster guy has to do is wait it out. Eventually the blows will take their toll. This all looks good ON PAPER. In the real world though. There is no accounting for every eventuality. You can run simulations and 9/10 one person may come out on top. But, at the end of the day. A computer is a computer. And humans are human. I’m going to go for the cheap shot. If it gets me out alive unhurt and back home safely. I have a job to go to the next day. And martial arts class to help teach. I can’t do that if I’m dead or badly injured.

    Source(s): Brown belt Tae kwon do.

  • Strength And Agility

    Source(s): https://shrinkurl.im/a8fxH

  • Sports ground fighting is for scoring points and winning matches, and TMAs tend to have far less usage of sport grappling then the less traditional MMA style martial arts. Its fun but its a sport. “Real” ground fighting is for survival and defense, there are no rules like there are in the ring. In a real grappling situation there can be eye gouges, groin shots, biting, fish hooking, and head butting. Somehow this transfers to people as grappling arts aren’t not very effective on the street. They seem to forget that a grappler can also use these dirty tactics, but even more effectively since they know how to position themselves better. People should not discredit grappling by saying that in a real fight they would still play by the rules. A previous comment mentioned a nearby bottle being smashed against the head a the grappler assailant, many ground fighters would be just as likely to grab the bottle and smash it on the non-grapplers head. Sport ground fighting has rules but in a life or death situation, those rules go away pretty quickly and not just to the grapplers disadvantage.

  • One cannot know an outcome before the incident. Some people will try to tell you the man with the most endurance will win, or the man with the faster hands will. But the fact is… Anything can and will happen in a fight. Physical and mental factors do not make or brake a fight. One must include the universal factors as well.

    Source(s): 3rd degree black belt in tkd, boxing for 7 years, Kick boxing for 4, been in MMA for 5, Blue belt in BJJ, varsity wrestler for my highschool, and have so far acquired 5 patches in my krav maga practices.

  • They’re all important really, you should at least have all of them when you are trained enough, some people has a specialty at strength, agility, durability. The smallest details matter in a great art.

    Source(s): Trust me, I’m a professional.

  • Without strength behind speed, speed is nothing. The guy with more durability undoubtedly wins. There’s two ways to end a fight. First, is to hit fast and hard and end the fight before it even happens. Second, is to outlast your opponent because you have more endurance.

    Source(s): 15 years of martial arts.

  • The speed dude. He can always run away and be faster than the other guy. Martial arts is not about beating up the other guy and who is winning the beating. It is survival by all means and sometimes that is running.

  • Both are equaly important, like mixing sement it shouldnt be to wet or to dry. one is usless with out the other look at bruce lee and van dam they had a good balance of both in fact they had both. now look at chuck norris no actually dont look at chuck noris you might die. but If i had to i would leverage on the side of the guy with more speed agility.

  • strength and durability would win

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