Suggestion for a maths working model?

Hello there, please give me some ideas for a maths model to be presented in an exhibition. It can be of any topic. It could be simple yet stunning and attractive.
Thanks a bunch.

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    1. group theory using the 1D, 2D, or 3D symmetry groups

    2. fractal dimensions: crazy shapes such as the Menger sponge, the Serpinski triangle, the Koch snowflake, etc.

    3. orbits and conic sections: nowadays, we prove Kepler’s laws with calculus, but Newton didn’t do that. He invented calculus, but when he proved Kepler’s laws, he wanted to use mathematics that the other physicists of the time already knew.

    Feynman delivered a beautiful lecture proving Kepler’s laws without using calculus, in a way that high school with a solid understanding of geometry could understand.

    4. infinities – tricky stuff but accessible without a great deal of background

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