Survey: Can a lady be crazy, and have cats as pets, and not be a 'crazy cat lady'?

I’m asking for a friend, as I am clearly not a lady.


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  • I wonder when cats became the pet gold standard for craziness. You never hear about little kids wandering past an old lady’s house and going “That’s where the crazy lady lives. The one with all the tropical fish.”

  • Anything more than 3 indoor cats and you are most likely going to be classified as a crazy cat lady. Stick with 3 indoor cats or less and you probably haven’t breached the craziness point yet. A bunch of outdoor cats is usually okay if you live in a rural area. But if you have like 20 outdoor cats in an urban or suburban area then you are probably a crazy cat lady.

  • ‘Crazy cat lady’ is used too often for any woman living alone with more then a couple cats to escape the label. Even with one or two cats she could get the reference. People are just that way. Really being crazy would be to love cats and not have them because you were afraid of being called a name.

  • If a lady has cats, she is, by default, a crazy cat lady. Cats are to keep you warm and help with the loneliness of a life of being unloved and uncared for. It’s a substitution for not being swept off your feet by mr right. Mr right didn’t come along so you got a cat. If you did find him, then mr right invariably doesn’t like cats, thus helping you never to consider being a crazy cat lady.

    Tell your ‘friend’ that she’s a crazy cat lady and slowly becoming an old, lonely, spinster. I think I found a video of her on Youtube.


  • Hmm.. Crazy Cat Lady… sounds like a code 2 me








  • I must be the friend you’re talking about. If I was a “crazy cat lady”, I would have kept the kittens that hoorcat had, instead of finding homes for them, and I def wouldn’t get hoorcat fixed!

    Edit: I LOVE AJ’s description of a cat lady. I would rather be naked than wear anything with kitty or puppy or bunny decals.

    Source(s): Tittties

  • It depends on how she treats the cats. If she treats them like humans and has long conversations with them then she might be a crazy cat lady. But if she treats them like pets she jus might be a crazy lady with cats

  • If you own more than 2 cats and buy them more gifts then you do for humans, then you are a “Crazy Cat Lady”.

  • Sure! It’s all about balance. You must always buy something besides cat food at the store, and the ratio of cats in your house must always be less than the general populace of the city you live in. Otherwise, you are free to knit the kitties sweaters out of their own hair, and train them to sing Christmas songs.

    The crazier you are, the more cats you can have.

    I am now kittyless, which is probably making my craziness quite obvious. I’m not sure it has a mute button.

  • Being a lady is not required. For instance, I am a crazy broad who happens to live with five cats.

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