tell me how to lose a friend in 10 days?

she is trying to stell my man


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  • Tell er to get lost and that you know what she’s up to. You could get it over with right away and call her. Then block her number. Good luck


  • First off I would not identify her as a friend. Don’t associate with her. Don’t contact, include or otherwise have anything to do with her

    How to lose a friend in 10 days?

    If you are certain she is trying to steal your man then without a doubt this is WAR.

    I would tell her point blank how I felt. That she is not welcomed around ME or my MAN. Who cares what she thinks! Obviously she doesn’t care what YOU think and she is not a true friend.

    She doesn’t respect the boundaries of friendships/relationships. And no matter how long you have known HER, and she is the greatest of friends? And no matter if this guy is a new relationship for YOU? The friend may have been in your life longer? A friend should acknowledge the boundaries of trust, and never cross that line.

    Friends come and go……….so do boyfriends.

    The ties between friends should persevere if it is a true friendship. But the point being, that if SHE is a friend then she would NEVER try to take a man from her friend.


  • DAY 1-Send sex toys to her work.

    Day 2- Put some vaginal itch cream in her car.

    Day 3- Be super sweet to her and take her to a spa and while you are getting pedicures talk to her about her foot fungus and if she has gone to the doctor for her feminine odor problem.

    Day 4- Put a chocolate laxative in her coffee and then take all the toilet paper out of her bathroom.

    Day 5- Set her up on a date with a lesbian. Then tell her you weren’t aware of her sexual preferences.

    Day 6- Make her meals for her all day and fix em up with lots of salt and protein powder so she balloons up.

    Day 7- Take all your stuff back and then take all her stuff that you have to salvation army.

    Day 8- Use a Sharpie and black out one of her teeth in all the pictures you have of her and then take the photo album to her work to show everyone she knows.

    Day 9- Put a dead fish in her underwear drawer.

    Day 10- Throw her a surprise party. Only let her know about it, then don’t really have a party. When she comes to the party and nobody is there, tell her nobody wanted to come because they don’t like her and you decided to cancel the party.


  • If she is trying to steal your man, the b*tch is not your friend. I suggest confronting her on this, and seriously, just tell her to step off. No need to sink to her level and become shady. Just maintain honesty, that’s the best thing you can do.

    Also, are you at all insecure that she will actually succeed in stealing him from you? If that’s the case I say you need to re-evaluate your relationship with your boyfriend and/or talk to him.


  • Wouldn’t take me ten days, I’d kick her bootie to the curb as fast as fast. Make sure she didn’t get up til she could read my lips, “Stay away from my man! Got that slezeball? You don’t listen, you get more of the same!”


  • Why don’t you keep her and work it out…!? It may not be what you think and you will have lost a friend…

    More to the point…? If your man can be stolen, he’s NOT your man… She may be doing you a favor by making that painfully obvious…?


  • If she is trying to steal your man she is not a friend.

    tell her to back off and leave


  • Be a total B I T C H towards her. Or you could just tell her, you dont wanna be her friend anymore.



  • Wait 10 days to see if your man is stolen by your friend.

    If he is stolen, then loose your man to your friend, and move on.


  • Spread nasty rumors about her “skanky” @ss. That’s the quickest way to get her pissed at you then she will never talk to you and she will be more motivated to steal your man or atleast break you two up by opening her legs to him.


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