The absurdity of Royalty?

What did the Queen do, that heads of states bow down to her and kiss her behind?

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? Best Answer

  • Out of respect for a senior head of state after all she will still be there long after they have pass through.
  • Take tax-payers’ money.

  • This just shows your ignorance of history do not pursue it further young man.

  • Heads of other states do not have to bow to her, she is their equal not above or below them.

  • I can’t say I have ever seen what you have described ,still you must know better,plenty of time for me to witness such an event .

  • the absurdity is that the working man falls for it too. its a good thing we are better educated than previous generations….we can see the lie.

  • Hmmm let’s see well she does charity work, state visits, military service, the opening and closing of Parliament, “advising” the prime minister while at the same time staying politically neutral (which is quite hard!) These are just some things her majesty does on a daily basis, really I don’t think you or anyone has the place to comment about Her majesty, yes It’s a free country where we all are allowed to say what we want but until you’ve actually met and know royalty you can’t really comment on anything, I am a member of the extended royal family and I do know actual royalty, people like Queen Elizabeth or Prince Nikolai of Denmark I have met and Know. There are many other people on this forum who are probably in a similar position to me but are too scared say anything in fear of being called a troll or getting kicked off the forum.


  • How absurd ?1% .Only people without SELF RESPECT of any kind bow and kiss another human being. I would rather drop dead the day i have to do that to another human .And who are this so called Royals? ONE TIME WAR MONGERS AND LOOTERS !!!
    Ask ‘Royal Male’ and spineless “spinal injury’ they will even kiss queens legs and may wash her back.So much self respect they have!!!!!
    Now they will rush for ‘report abuse’ button.The agents of palace!!!

    @JOHN: Man you have nailed them on head!!!!!Britain needs lot more like you.Probably there are few thugs writing here who will report you for abuse.Don’t be surprised.

  • She was born to the right family, otherwise she shows no inclination to do anything except, cut ribbons
    and generally appear in public creating the impression she is above ordinary people.

  • There is nothing absurd about a system of government that works. All heads of state do not bow to the Queen; etiquette protocols are based on traditions and independent nations’ heads of state shake the Queen’s hand. A head nod is not a bow; in the US it is a common form of acknowledgment among people of certain backgrounds.
    What is absurd is people who are ignorant and spout lies. Crown Estates is where the monarchy gets money for official expenses. The Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall are where the monarchy gets its personal income–from businesses they own and run. Even when Civil List was in effect, tax payer money was returned through monies from the Crown Estate. The Civil List was ended and the monarchy is taking monies earned straight from the Crown Estate, now.

    ✅ Answers

    is not here for you to rant.

  • It is absurd and it does not work. How can anybody say it works when no alternatives have been tried in this country? (Oliver Cromwell was king in all but name). She is a politician, the most experienced one in the world, but the only people she works to keep happy is her own family, as she never faces reelection. It is absurd that we can say with a lot of certainty who will follow her for the hundred years or so,and one of them is not born yet. She does not nothing for tourism, more people visit Legoland in Windsor than ‘her’ castle. Why is she so much better than the other 60m people in this country, because her ancestors were better killers and the right religion?

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