Was the Boston bombing an inside job?

Or 9/11 for that matter? I personally don’t, at least for 9/11, I don’t know enough yet about the Boston bombing. I know internationally the US has done a lot of undercover dirty work, but I don’t think they would attack their own citizens.

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? Best Answer

  • No.
    It was a couple of dirty Muslims peeved with the ways of the western world here in north America and particularly in the United States.
    And don’t call them “Radical Muslims”, there is no such thing in Islam. “Radical Muslims” is a termed coined by the western media. There really is no such thing.
  • Office politics / blind ambitions rife between agents within the FBI and CIA pretty much caused 9/11 to happen like it did; the irresponsible agents who withheld information that could have prevented the tragedy were all summarily fired and their careers ruined.

    In the short answer to the Boston Marathon tragedy: History repeated itself.

  • I believe it’s someone from Boston who is just playing prank and wanting to get noticed. With all the killings and shootings going around the US lately, I believe it’s someone from our own soil.

    Well, I wouldn’t exclude N. Korea from the list though if the bombers were from a foreign land.

  • Yes……


  • 1%. So too was 9/11 and 7/7 bombings in London which it had most in common with using drills as the cover to carry the operation out.


  • i do think it was. this link is what made me realize it was.


  • No that is the stupidest thing I’ve heard

  • No.

  • No

  • hell no
    you have been watching alex jones videos to much

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