What are these tiny bumps on my 7 year old daughter?

My daughter has had tiny bumps on her neck, arms,stomach, face,ears and legs. The bumps on her neck looks like ecsema and the others ones looks like tiny round bumps. They itch her very bad and they’re spreading fast. My daughter is dark skin so I can’t tell if there red. Can some please help me. This looks very scary


✅ Answers

  • Don’t want to alarm you but it could be scabies. They are basically like lice except it spreads to the entire body. It is highly contagious so you better go see a doctor.

    Source(s): http://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/…20

  • Sounds like something a doctor should see anyway.

  • It could also be chicken pox. I would take her to the doctor just in case.

  • It could be ecsema or sriosis ask ur doctor

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