What do you Think of Divorce?

I mean the Law kind of Divorce. Do you find it good, bad? Acceptable? Stupid law?

Cus honestly I just hate it that the government allows divorce. It has become a way to escape tough times and not to mention children get affected by this and the emotional rollercoaster they will ride on not to mention the 2 getting divorced aswell.

I think today society has gotten used to using divorce waaayy to much as a means of getting out of sticky situations. I mean what ever happend to sitting down on the table and haveing a good ol heart to heart with your spouse?

so yea tell me what you guys think about Divorce.

Thanks for your time have a nice day


✅ Answers

  • No one likes a divorce but isn’t it worse to stay with someone who is beating on you or is an alcoholic, what kind of life is that for a child to watch growing up. And you think divorce is wrong when a woman or man is cheating and brings home STD’s or is pregnant from an affair or the other woman is pregnant. I have every right to divorce if I am not happy in a situation that I have no want or desire to stay in. To many people think that once you are married you are property, not in this life time or any other will I be someones property. Obviously you are not married nor have been in a situation where the children or wife or possibly husband are being abused. When you are come back on YA and answer this question for yourself.

  • Divorce is a terrible thing, and, overused.

    However, I was married for a long time to a very abusive spouse, and, sought divorce as a last effort, against everything I stood for.

    After 5 years from the divorce, it is amazing how much I endured because of her emotional instability and probably a mental illness that rendered her a distorted person, other words, I should have done this years before.

  • I agree with you that some people use it too frequently but at the same time i think it’s necessary in some cases.

    When a spouse cheats, for example. That’s a deal breaker. It’s deceitful and very hard to forgive and move on.

    Some people genuinely grow out of love and don’t want to be together anymore. Why should they be stuck in a relationship that they’ll be unhappy in for the rest of their lives? That’s not fair.

    I think in most cases, children are better off with single parents, specifically when the parents are always fighting and there is a lot of hatred and negativity in the house.

    Divorce should be a last resort sort of thing. Try to work it out and forgive but if it doesn’t happen, then divorce.

  • I think divorce should be the last resort. When you married you said for better or worse and I think a couple should do whatever is necessary to save their marriage, going to counseling, talking to preacher, etc. I totally agree with you. People find this a way out instead of working it out. I’ve been married for 19 yrs and we’ve had our ups and downs and here we are today, still together and very happy and still deeply in love.

  • Try living in my country where there is NO DIVORCE! It sucks big time! Battered wives and kids with no way out. You made a mistake of marrying a drunk or a good for nothing SOB and you’re stuck with them for life!

  • I think it should only be allowed in cases of abuse or cheating…

    In cases where a couple divorces over “irreconcilable differences”, I would allow them. On the same note I would only allow it once for each individual, and should you chose to split over irreconcilable differences, then you should never be allowed to marry anyone again thereafter.

  • I think people need to go trough a course and pass a test before being allowed to get married.

  • I find divorce necessary. Maybe YOU would like to stay with a man who beat the crap out of you but not all of us would.

  • Ithink it is awesome. It enabled me to get away from the most evil women in the world. with out there is no telling what I would have done to escape.

  • “You hate the government allows divorce”.

    Try spending the rest of your life with the bi*tch i married when i was 19.

    Life isnt that cut a dry, people make mistakes, rush into things, cheat etc.

    Source(s): Now 26 and happily married in my 2nd marriage

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