What happens to people with epilepsy?


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  • Letty, I presume you’re asking what happens during an epileptic seizure. It depends on what kind of seizures the person has. If a person suffers from grand mal seizures, there is usually some kind of scar tissue on the brain tissue. The person will lose consciousness, and there will be jerking of the arms and legs. These seizures can be of short duration or they may last several minutes. After the seizure is over, the person is sleepy. He may also have urinary incontinence during the seizure. With petit mal seizures, the person just “blanks out” for a little bit, and stares off into space. There are seizures that involve only one half of the body. Then there are absence seizures, that are similar to petit mal seizures. Epilepsy isn’t contagious, nor is it curable. It can be treated with seizure suppressant medication, but sometimes the medicines have bad side effects and they can be addictive. I hope this answers your question.

  • For me, I just sit here at my desk working either at the office or home, I get a sudden sense of fear and a rising in the pit of my stomach, (that’s called an aura), then I lose consciousness and forget everything. I wake up about 15 seconds later, feel confused for a while, then it’s business as usual.

    Fortunately that only happens to me about once every 6 months or so, and it only started happening about 18 months ago.

    I will be put on medication soon, but I’m going to refuse it. That medication is utterly ghastly from what I’ve heard. A seizure twice a year is not too bad really, in comparison to that medication.

  • Most have seizures if they do not take medication.

    I have had Epilepsy for over 15 years and in the waiting room for an annual check up and have seen people who can not control their seizures, they have helmets and some are in wheel chairs. The vast majority take medication an function normally.

  • Epilepsy medicines are also used as mood stablizers for people with bi-polar disorder. Thinking that they will cause a seizure is merely backward thinking

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  • They go to a neurologist who performs tests. Then prescribes medication . A lot of the seizures go away with proper treatment, but some people can have them anyway. They are not allowed to drive if it is severe enough.

  • Some children w/ epilepsy are treated and don’t have adult epilepsy.

  • Really today’s med.s, the more recent ones, are so dangerous it is better to stay OFF of med.s.

    Dark Chocolate, even amount each day, put a 90% decrease on my seizures.

    We get shunned from jobs. And some stores like Kmart dose not want us in them. So they refuse our checks and claim we are all criminals. They do not want elderly people in their stores either. They are afraid of people falling. Other than that we try to live normals lives.

    Source(s): Life

  • Basically the body (mildly) electrocutes itself. I wear an ID bracelet so if people find me they know what is happening and who to contact.

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