is it true that homophobes are closet gays?

im not gay but i don’t care if someone else is , so why use you are gay or your dad is gay as an insult if your not a homophobic ?


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  • There was a famous study by Henry E Adams (google him).

    He took men who identified themselves as heterosexual and rated them on homophobia with a questionnaire.

    He then hooked them up to device which measured their genitals and showed them sexual images of men.

    The homophobic ‘straight’ men showed more penile swelling on average than those who were indifferent to or supportive of homosexuals.

    Edit: added links

    I’m sure not all homophobes are in the closet but all of them must have some strange reason for caring about someone else’s sexuality. This is probably the reason for some of them.

    Edit: dust, ‘gay’ has had sexual connotations since the 17th century and has been used to refer specifically to homosexuals for at least 80 years. Literally all words are ‘made up’.


  • Homophobes are nearly always one of these three things:

    1. Religious fanatics (most religious people I know really aren’t against gays, though)

    2. Angsty teens

    3. Closet homosexuals

  • no , not even close

    that is a piece of often spouted gay propaganda.

    based on a badly done study at the U of Georgia.

    where men who did not support homosexculaity were ” found” to display tumescence ( ofte nin microscopic increments”) when explosed to gay porn

    which came to some ridiculous conclusions

    further studies show that people who are under stress

    i.e a “: homphobe” being subjected to gay porn

    will as a result of that stress display tumescence

    later studies show that men who’s lives are at stake often experience ” battlefield erections” because of the stress

    the gay activists have hammered this badly done study for years claiming that anyone who doesn’t agree withor support them ” must be gay too”

    but all in all its just propaganda and has nothing to do with reality.

  • I think some are. They cannot accept their sexuality. Not surprising when their mates would probably be horrified to find out, wouldn’t they?

    Why people can’t mind their own business, I don’t know. My son is gay. He is a doctor in a re’ship with another doctor. Two really good, kind men but the abuse they get, you wouldn’t believe …..perhaps you would. Sad, very sad. I love them both very much. They are worthwhile human beings who refused to lie. They wanted to be truthful.



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  • I’m sure not all homophobes are closeted gays, some may well be resisting their own inclinations (not exactly the same thing), and some may not be gay but simply fearful or hateful.

  • someone on facebook was very homophobic and hateful – as it turned out he had been raped by gay men as a child – in no way would i believe he was a closeted gay, but his victimization by a few manifested itself as hatred for all

  • I doubt it’s true that *all* of them are

    but I would not be surprised at all to discover that some of them are, and that they became homophobes *as part of* their attempt to suppress their own homosexual urges.

    I mean: are all anti-Black racists “closet Blacks”? Obviously unreasoning hatred does not ***typically*** involve the suppression of one’s own characteristics. But I think that it is nearly as obvious that **occasionally** such a thing is true, that *some small portion* of the people who have that unreasoning hatred are suppressing their own characteristics.

    – Jim,

  • I do it to you because you seem overly interested in anything gay. You just did it again. You assume anyone who is against the gay agenda is a closet gay. Grow up and start thinking for yourself.

  • To me most of them are actually curious to have gay sex.If they have an opportunity in real they will be Ready to have gay sex..I am sure they have some fantasy going on in their mind for gay sex.

  • Yes, Christians are supposed to be following this…yet they do the opposite.

    In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus warned: “Stop judging that you may not be judged.” (Matthew 7:1) According to Luke’s account, Jesus added: “Stop condemning, and you will by no means be condemned.”* (Luke 6:37) Jesus showed his awareness that imperfect humans have a tendency to be judgmental. Any of his listeners who were in the habit of harshly judging others were to stop it.

    Why must we “stop judging” others? For one thing, our authority is limited. The disciple James reminds us: “One there is that is lawgiver and judge”—Jehovah. So James pointedly asks: “Who are you to be judging your neighbor?” (James 4:12; Romans 14:1-4) In addition, our sinful nature can so easily render our judgments unfair. Many attitudes and motives—including prejudice, injured pride, jealousy, and self-righteousness—can distort the way we see fellow humans. We have further limitations, and reflecting on these should restrain us from being quick to find fault with others. We cannot read hearts; nor can we know all the personal circumstances of others. Who, then, are we to judge anyone.

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