Why are religious people so against happy people getting married?!?!?


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  • Lulz, wordplay on “gay”, almost fell for it lol good job, gave me a laugh.

    Star for you.

    Edit: hey theists, if you have a problem with states’ rights on this issue if they end up voting for gay marriage, then kindly leave the country as you have a problem with our federal constitution.

    Anything not specifically mentioned in the federal constitution is meant to be left up to the states, so good for California and Vermont for doing as they see fit.

    Source(s): Supporter of gay marriage on state government level decision.

  • I’m a disciple of christianity. not perfect.

    If by happy, you mean gay people, I’ll just put it in simple terms.

    Christianity teaches that homosexuals, and effeminates are not approved of by God, that’s just what the Bible says (1 Cor. 6:9, and others). I will say however, that religious people, myself included, have a lot of issues to deal with in terms of sin and living the Christian life.

    It shouldn’t be surprising that just like some people, while trying to quit smoking, go around condemning all smokers and making them feel miserable and like they should die for poluting the air, when they themselves have the urge. So religious fanatics crucify others to push away the fact that they themselves are not converted at heart (the Bible doesnt’ revolve around condemning gays).

    That said, I don’t think the church should be trying to use civil power to enforce religious doctrines. Even in Biblical Israel, the Kings had no say in the matters of the Levites, and the Levites had no authority over the Kings’ civil power. That’s just Bible. Church can teach all they want in the temple, but not in government.

    I know by God’s word who God blesses as a married couple, but as far as civil laws are concerned it’s not my choice to make who should or shouldn’t get married.

  • what makes you think religious people are against happy people getting married? have you ever seen a religious person be against a happy couple getting maried? where do you get your facts and your figures? You need to get out of the house a bit more, get of the computer, go for a walk , get some fresh air and while your at it get some common sense and don’t feed off the ‘bullshit’ that other people are giving you.

  • They are wrapped in a little religious cocoon of self satisfaction.They believe what is ranted at them by a priest or parson, and have so many restrictions that they are miserable.They therefore cannot stand to see people who are in love together and wanting to be married.I have no opinion on gay marriages except to say that by being married, at least there is no promiscuity, and if ANYONE on earth is fortunate enough to find ONE person thats true and faithful forever , and live a happy contented life, then they are trully fortunate.More heterosexual marriages fail than do homosexual ones, so that makes you sit and think.

  • Ever shoot billiards with a rifle ?

    Why not ? It’s all shooting isn’t it ? Of course its not. That’s a 1% silly suggestion.

    The answer is because its against their fundamental beliefs. Is that so hard to understand ?

    Is it so hard to understand that people can have different ideas than yours and still be sane or normal ?

    Why is one intolerance any better than another ?

    Get the laws passed, that you want passed and if some people don’t like it, then too bad for them.

    Just get off the soap box and understand there will be opposition to any idea.

  • Since when is it religious people as a whole? And yes, I realize you mean Christians. Go find something constructive to do.

  • If your question is, why are some fundamentalist people against gay marriages, why not ask that, instead of implying that all religious people are, which is patently untrue.

  • The unhappiness sets in when the happy people just happen to be gay. Religious fundies have the same homophobic sentiments as their god. They’re hard-wired to be stupendously stupid that way.

    @ Christian Truth – There is no such thing as “Christian truth.” It’s all lies, because the central character in your religion never existed, making Christianity one gigantic fraud.

    @ Sagitarius – I have prayed to the Almighty Flying Spaghetti Monster to pardon you for your egregious blasphemy against FSM believers. He has answered: you’re forgiven. Isn’t my god just so precious?

  • I don’t think any Christian is against happy people being married. But marriage is between a man and a woman. It’s impossible for sodomites to be married in the eyes of God. They’re simply comitting an abomination and are to proud to realize they’re wrong. They’ll stand guilty of defiling their flesh amongst eachother before a Holy God in the end. I don’t condemn them, because we’re all stand condemned as sinners before the Lord. But they need to repent and believe in Jesus Christ and be saved.

    Edit: Contrary to what that guy below me accused me of, I don’t hate homosexuals. I simply warn sinners that the wrath of God comes because of such sins.

    “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.” – Leviticus 20:13

    Source(s): The Law

  • Since when are we against that? I certainly am not – even if I am anti-marriage with respect to myself at the moment…

    We just believe that marriage is between a man and a woman only.

    Source(s): My Lord, I believe, I adore, I hope, and I love Thee.
    I ask pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope, and do not love Thee. Amen.

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