What is a good book series to read?

I like science fiction and fantasy with some romance as well.

I enjoy a story that keeps you on the edge of your seat and thinking.

Prefer newer books but if there is an older series that is amazing will give a try.

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  • Some great steampunk/sci-fi/fantasy ones you might like:

    Harry Potter (series by JK Rowling)

    Pendragon (series by DJ MacHale)

    The Hunchback Assignments (book by Arthur Slade)

    A Wrinkle in Time (book by Madeline L’Engle)

    Leviathan (series by Scott Westerfield)

    Hoot (book by Carl Hiaasen)

    The Ranger’s Apprentice (series by John Flanagan)

    Maximum Ride (series by James Patterson)

    The Seems (series by John Hulme and Michael Wexler)

    Savvy (series by Ingrid Law)

    some of the best dystopian ones:

    The Hunger Games (series by Suzanne Collins)

    Uglies (series by Scott Westerfield)

    The Giver (book by Lois Lowry)

    The Lost Conspiracy (book by Frances Hardinge)

    Ender’s Game (series by Orson Scott Card)

    Some older but even better dystopian books:

    Nineteen Eighty-Four (book by George Orwell)

    Lord of The Flies (book by William Golding)

    Fahrenheit (book by Ray Bradbury)

    Source(s): I’ve read and loved each of these! 😀

  • Reckless by Cornelia Funke is an absolutely AMAZING book, my alltime favourite, but sadly there is only one book so far.. The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay (I’m sure you’ve heard of them) by Suzanne Collins is my second favourite series.. I know some good science fiction/fantasy books, but they’re either for teenagers or aren’t too romanceful. I’m sure you could try the Harry Potter books by J.K Rowling, though I haven’t read them myself. I’ll probably get hated on this next one, but Twilight(Stephenie Meyer) is ACTUALLY a good book series and is nothing like fans/haters make it out to be, I would suggest atleast borrowing the first book from a library and reading a couple chapters

  • There’s a trilogy by Margaret Drabble that begins with The Radiant Way, the second one is called A Natutral Curisosity. Also a quartet by A S Byatt starting with The Virgin in the Garden.

  • Have you heard of the ‘Sword of Truth’ series by Terry Goodkind?

    I think his books are fantastic, though they can get a bit weird and gorey in certain places. The first one is called ‘Wizard’s First Rule’. There was actually a show that was very loosely based on the books called, ‘Legend of the Seeker’. The books are long and there are quite a few of them, but I have enjoyed all that I have read 🙂

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  • I would say the alphabet mysteries, Kinsey MIllhone series.If you like crime solving, then it’s your kind of books. Older series but keep you on the edge. You might want to try the site fan fiction. com It’s a really nice on. Search me, I’ve written some.

  • Harry Potter

    And no, Narnia isn’t childish. It is heavy with symbolism

    His Dark Materials

    Keys to the Kingdom

    Artemis Fowl

    City of Ember

  • Narnia is a bit childish but its a great series, I love the books and all my friends love them too.

    Twilight or Harry Potter would be other options 🙂

  • Harry Potter and Hunger games

  • The wizard of earthsea by Ursula le GUin Old but amazing thre is a trilogy and years later she wrote a sequel – It can be hard hitting especially that sequel but its amazing.

  • Harry Potter. It fits your description pretty well and it’s an overall incredible series that you won’t regret reading.

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