What is a good reward system for a cat?

We are trying to retrain my cat how to use his litter box properly. He has a territory marking problem. We’ve decided to make him an exclusively indoor cat and currently have him locked in the bathroom with his litter box. If he is locked in with the box he has no problems. When we let him out, however, he marks everything. Yes he is neutered. We have a feliway plug in and are working on getting him multiple boxes for his convenience. What is a good way to reward him for positive behavior?


I forgot to mention. I work full time so I can’t always be there to watch what he is doing.


✅ Answers

  • Have you cleaned the area good? Get a small black light- pet stores sell them, and look at night all around where he usually goes, and see if there are still stains. If there are still stains, he can still smell the urine/ feces even if you cannot. As long as he can smell it, he will think it is okay to go there. Purchase an enzyme cleaner like Nature’s Miracle (not the orange or advanced, they do not work as well), and put that on the spots and about 1 inch around the spots and let it soak on for about 10 minutes and then sop up the excess with a towel. Do not lightly apply the cleaner- it needs to get down to the bottom of the stain. You may need to repeat this, but it does work. I had this same problem with my cat. I also tried putting him in the bathroom and I believed that this worsened the issue. He may have a health problem, I would take him to a vet to see if that is the case, since health issues can cause behavioral problems.

  • Another potential deterrent you could try would be spraying the areas he’s marked with a citrus scent. Lemons would be good, just a nice spray on the area should be enough. You could also put some coins in a pill bottle and shake it when you see him start to go. This should startle him enough, as long as you don’t do it when he’s going in the box.

    As for rewards, make sure to be very vocal and happy, petting him in favored spots. If he has a special treat food, give him a small amount each time. Try being very consistent, if possible, because that’s the best way for him to know he’s doing good. Even just saying “Good boy!!!” in the same tone (excited, happy, etc) done everytime, that should help quite a bit. Saying “Bad boy” in a lower tone, when he goes elsewhere might help as well. Cats respond quite well to body language, and vocal tones.

    Source(s): experience with five cats of my own.

  • When he goes in the litter box try to pet him a lot and give him a treat. Also you could play with him for like 5 minutes each time he goes that way he will realize he is doing the right thing!

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