What is the best way to potty train your son?

My son is 2 and I think he’s ready to be potty trained. What is the best way to do it?

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  • Determine (S)HE ( the kid, not you!) is ready to be potty trained. There is a great video called “Once upon a potty”. It is a great way to get kids started and to guage if they are ready.
    I don’t think there is no miracle potty training age.. have known kids as young as 1-1/2 years totally diaper-weaned, and some 3 year olds are still in training pants..
    – Chosen by Asker

  • 2 year old is a bit too early for potty train, expecially for boys. Just wait another 6 months, you will have a much easier time. He has to follow daddy around and learn by examples.


  • I have seen kids who are ready by 2. Easiest is to let them be without a diaper (or use a training pant) and take them to the potty every two hours. If they go to daycare, you will need daycare to follow your system and that might be hard. I would still recommend using diapers at nap-time & night.

  • I concur that 2 is probably too early for a boy. My son was 2yrs 9 mos by the time he was really ready to go, and it only took about two weeks. Start too early and you’ll have power struggles, many accidents and nothing but frustration. They say bribery should be employed carefully, but we found that a tupperware filled with M&M’s was enough to get him motivated to use the toilet and give up his beloved diapers. He got one each time he went (and we eventually weaned him off the reward system). Also, we circumvented the potty altogether as it made it easier for him to use public toilets. Also, many toddler boys prefer to sit when they’re learning the new talent, so be patient in his confidence to stand. And be sure to get him on the handwashing bandwagon immediately so he’ll know it’s part of the process! Oh, and don’t make a big deal out of accidents… empathize with him and drive on. And beware that regression is common around transition times (new sibling, preschool, etc.).

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