What kind of ghost has a watery type reflection?

Ok this may be a little hard to explain lol, but my mom’s husband passed away about a month ago now from a heart attack she saw the whole thing 🙁 but I remember her telling me on the phone maybe a week or few days before he passed that she kept seeing a figure standing behind the door of my room (dont live there anymore, so spare room) and it looked clear and had a watery type reflection I hope this makes some sense. So there was definitely an outline of a figure but clear and kinda wavy like water when it ripples. Then he passed away in the early morning a few days or a week later, my mom is very upset she’s known him half her life and she lives alone now, and now a week or so later she’s still seeing this figure but now in different parts of the house. I thought at first it could have been someone watching over her husband or waiting to take him when he passed, but it’s still there now. I know they say like if a spirit has a green aura it could be healing or something so what could this be? please don’t leave comments saying i’m crazy or blah blah blah I really need an answer. Thank You.

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? Best Answer

  • Ghosts and/or spirits do not exist and never have or will. This was just a hallucination or just a glint of light that appeared as a spirit. You are not crazy and neither is she but people are very naive when it comes to religion and the afterlife. The truth is, none of it is true and never will be. I do hope people will start realizing this so that you are not lead on by psychics and the belief of the “god” figure.
  • Ghosts and spirits can be encountered at times in varying degrees of manifestation and appear in different stages . Some can be see in a full apparition of their former self as they appeared in life and some can be seen as a silhouette or shadowy outline of the human form. Though it is hard to say for certain that this was the spirit or ghost of your moms husband, there are reports of a residual spirit being seen just prior to someones death and just after even over great distances and this is can fall into the category of after death communication and as well a pre death visitation. The spirit , just after passing, can linger for a period of time and be seen and encountered in different ways. At times they may not be quite ready to continue on their journey and choose to stay around in places that they lived and around those they loved. The “watery” type image could just be a varying degree of manifestation and not necessarily symbolic of anything in particular but that it occurred at all is definitely meaningful. I would tell her that it could continue off and on for a period of time until they are ready to move along, that is if this is the spirit of her husband at all but it would appear that it could very well be. Take care.

  • My condolences.

    It’s impossible for any of us to tell what your mom’s psychological state is right now, but I’m sure is in mourning. It was most likely a hallucination stemming for her grief or perhaps loss of sleep, or perhaps it is just the common corner-of-the-eye illusion that we all get. Maybe there is something medical going on that would explain it.

    Scientifically speaking, there is no reason to think that ghosts (e.g., spirits) exist.

  • Sounds like someones watching over your mum. Like a Guardian Angel 🙂

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