What race were the ancient Hebrews?

I was looking for it on google, and none of the sites I clicked on gave me direct answers. Instead, all I got was a whole bunch of scripture that proved something which I completely missed because I don’t read the bible.

So what race were the ancient Israelites? Can someone give me a direct answer? White, black, middle-eastern… ? I don’t know. Thanks!


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  • Jews can be of any race or ethnic group,although most Jews are of predominant Middle Eastern ancestry .The ancient Hebrews were closely related to the Arabs,the Phoenicians and other Semitic ethnic groups.The American view of race is different from views from other part of the world and in other time periods.Race is subjective it is NOT a scientific concept

  • No-one can give you a direct answer because no-one knows the answer for sure.

    I assure you the outcome wouldn’t change if you had read the Bible.



    Isn’t this interesting if it’s true ?



    Source(s): I had read the Bible, the Quran, some Hindu scripts, some Buddhist scripts, many things on History of religion, lots of conspiracy theory on religion and races. I am still not sure about the roots of people. Nor are scholars.

  • Ethnologically or linguistically, the peoples in that part of the world at that time are referred to as Semitic, and that included the Israelites as well as several nearby cultural groups.


    As for what they looked like, they would likely have been similar in appearance to other Mediterranean & Near Eastern peoples – dark hair, olive-skinned or dark complexions, dark eyes – basic, traditional look for that part of the world.

    Even during those times – 1000-2000 b.c., there was a great deal of travel, trade, & migration going on & much passed through “the fertile crescent” of which the area of Ancient Israel was a part, although northern European nations hadn’t yet developed. The areas that did trade most either bordered the Mediterranean Sea, or were east of it, into areas now called Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and down toward India, too. Those people were not all Semitic, by any means, but were mostly darker haired/skinned than those who would later develop in northern Europe.

  • Bob

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  • Well, our only source of history is a bunch of stories that I don’t believe (atheist) but by what they say, we were white indeed, divided into 12 tribes. We won almost any war because we were the chosen ones blah blah blah yada yada yada.

    Source(s): I’m from Israel, they force us to learn this.

  • :/

    None of those, since this was 6000 some odd years ago. However, the region these people lived in was essentially the middle east. So, you know what their descendents look like. They would have probably looked similar.

  • The Middle East is populated by Middle Eastern peoples. Its not like they had airplanes over 2000+ years ago.

    Source(s): Common sense that the Flying Spaghetti Monster gave me.

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