What should I do since I got shot with a 9mm?

dis one hit ma shoulder. i dug it out myself wasnt too deep ma muscle stopped it from moving kind of like a wall stops a paper air plane from going forewardd. you think i shuld see a doctor anyway? muscle doesnt hurt but still dnt kno if there was poison in the bullet or somethin.

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? Best Answer

  • Is there some reason you’re posting the same question twice? Do you think it’s humorous to troll? If so, you probably deserve whatever you get.

    Go away.

  • I’m going to level with you,

    Bruh real talk though mang, if dat shiet don hurt then why da fu*k u trippin mang? u know they finna start akskin all dem questions when u show up at the hospital and they finna call 5-0 on yo as*s bruh, real talk.

    I would just keep hush bout that shi*et and let it heal up on is own, throw some grey goose on that s*hit and take a chug of it too… If that s*hit gets a bit red or some ****, or its not healing up right, just get yo a*ss to the hospital and make sure u tell them it was somekind of landscapping accident… stay up bruh.

  • No, don’t see a doctor — they’ll only report you to the cops and then you’ll have to explain how the little old lady you were robbing shot you. And just as a hint, the cops aren’t going to believe you were the “victim of a robbery”. They’ve heard that one before.

    So man up, drink something potent, and watch TV. Either you die or you don’t.

  • …didn’t you just get shot a day or two ago ? Boy …what a loser…getting shot twice in as many days. Sucks to be you. Anyway, get me the name of the guy who shot you. I’ll chip in a few bucks so he can get some lessons and quality practice time in….next time…2 in the 10 ring….no more troll.

    Trolls ‘R Us…

  • You are the type of person that Feinstein, Reid, and Obama are getting their statistics about gun violence from. Please for the love of God don’t also own a gun.

  • You sound like one tough SOB. I would try a .45 ACP next. If that goes well, try one of the magnum revolvers, or if you are feeling lucky, a rifle round.

    Don’t be’s a baby! Fity sent done got shot 9 times and he fine. Ya boi!

  • thats to bad it didnt hit you in the head.

  • Tolling level epic fail.

  • Hopefully you will bleed to death – soon. Do you get shot every day or is this the same gunshot from yesterday?

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