What should I say to a bully ?

Okay so I have told on this guy many times but the teachers don’t care and I have told my parents and the counselors and he STILL does it … He keeps saying “Where’s the rest of ya ?” And I wanna say something back but IDK what to say !What shuld I sayy ???


He kicks me and calls me migit and says WHERE’S THE REST OF U!??

Update 2:

I do have bruises but they aren’t that bad but they are small and purple .


✅ Answers

  • From a tactical standpoint, dude, you are doing it incorrectly.

    Never tell authorities about bullying problems. They won’t take bullying of this magnitude seriously, and the bully will get pissed off that you told on him.

    Here are a few vocabulary words:

    hostile – someone or something with a tendency or a willingness to engage in destructive activity against you.

    tango – the military phonetic term for the letter T, which is shorthand for “target”.

    six – “6:” military term for the blind region directly behind a hostile or soldier.

    In your case the bully you describe is your hostile. His threat level against you is high, since he has injured you before. Here’s your new tactical protocol for dealing with this hostile:

    If he has the physical advantage, a firearm or any other concealable weapon may be your only chance at escaping his clutches. Choose weapons wisely, though. Don’t go bringing guns into airports or anything.

    when the hostile is within range, watch your six and be cautious. He may become violent. If he does, he would be classified as a tango until you defuse the situation.

    To defuse a situation all you’ll need to do is use force against his force, remember his threats, forget his verbal bullying. You should not care about his opinion, it’s the physical part that can be a problem.

    Source(s): 10 years of martial arts

  • Clearly he’s not getting it. He’s not a bully because he’s insecure, but because he’s retarded. So you know what I would say to him, if I were in your position? “Don’t you have anything better to do? You’re pathetic, I feel BAD for YOU!”

    Then, pay him no more attention. He’s not worth worrying about. There’s nothing much you can do, then to actually feel bad for him because while you have a conscience and wouldn’t act like that to someone, he’s never going to understand how annoying he’s being to you.

    EDIT: He’s kicking you?! What kind of school do you go to where not one teacher would think of intervening? Get your parents to complain to the school relentlessly and he should be taken care of.

  • Leave me alone else you will see the at her side of me fool

  • The time for talking is over. So cop this one.

  • What kind of things is he saying/doing to you?

    Edit: “You might be taller than me, but you’re not better than me.”

    I really think you should call his parents and tell him that their son is doing this to you, if he denies it, should them your legs–they’ve gotta have bruises on them, right?

  • Hold a dictionary and say “Sticks and stones they break my bones but words dont hurt me” and throw the dictionary at him.

    Source(s): Life.

  • *say something like , “stop it “,”don’t do it”, “go away”…………

    *quickly walk away

    * always tell an adult whom you can trust.he /she may help before things get worse.

    *try to stay in a group of friends

    *do not let the bully win

    * don’t cry even if you want to .stay strong in front of him/her.

    *do not care about what the said or did.he/she will lose interest in you and stop bullying you

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!************:):):):):):)

  • Tell him that you’re gonna attack his family and friends, then if that doesn’t work, threaten to punch him in the junk. (Bullies hate it when you threaten their junk)

  • tell him in your face then deck him.

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